Short:        AmiNet ANSI-Colored Text File Listings!
Author: (david weeks)
Uploader:     dotoran bluemoon net (david weeks)
Type:         comm/cnet
Version:      v3.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: anywhere, everywhere, please mirror!
Replace:      aminet/comm/cnet/cnet_aminet.lha

An UPDATED version of the AmiNet Index Listings has been created, and includes listings of files located on the following CD's: 5, 6, Set I, 7, 8, Set II, 9, and 10, however the LOCATION of the archi

ve has changed.

v3.0's listings now use ANSI-Color codes, which now makes these files compatible with ANY Amiga BBS Program. You'll find the updated archive in the following Aminet directory:


From now on, please check this alternate directory for the most recent changes made to these listings.

Dotoran/Dave Weeks

-- Written by Dotoran of Frontiers --