Short:        MED module "Mikelin"
Uploader:     andreasd ifi uio no
Type:         mods/med
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

 MIKELIN.MED is a sound module made with MED 3.0. Last academic year,
 I had the bright idea that I would make a theme song for "the Mike Lin
 radio show", which airs every Friday on WCPR, my campus radio station.
 I don't think that Mike ever wanted his show to have a theme song, but
 he played along. The voices you will hear are those of Mike Lin and
 Tina Bansal, who are students at the Stevens Institute of Technology.

 Look for these other MED titles:


 now some greetings to people I don't know:

 Nic Cusworth     : Very good industrial beat.
 Mark Brown       : O genki desu ka? Some of your stuff is pretty good.
 Kefrens & Silents: I have no idea what's going on with the Amiga
                    pirating scene, but I know that you guys make
                    damn good music.
 I am a programmer with heavy experience in PC graphics and sound systems.
 Send all correspondence to:

 Bryan McNett   
 Box S-835
 Castle Point Station
 Hoboken, NJ 07030