Short:        Free release of Powerful BBS Software written in assembler.
Author: (NoaH/Mad Virgin)
Uploader:     teorist afrodita rcub bg ac yu (Teorist/Mad Virgin)
Type:         comm/bbs
Version:      1.30 beta 4
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

DayDream BBS is written in 100% assembler and is therefor one of the
fastest BBS programs availiable on Amiga today.

This version is FREE (no limits!) to use until v2.0 is released.
For more info read docs!

 - DayDream  BBS  looks  like  AmiExpress, which is a much loved and hated
   BBS software. Most of the people who like AmiExpress like it because of
   it's simpliness and  because it's very fast to use. However, AmiExpress
   requires a very fast CPU to operate smoothly and the configurability is
   rather poor too. DayDream fixes the major problems found in AmiX.

 - 100%  assembly  code.   DayDream  is  probably the fastest BBS-software

 - Number of conferences is limited to 64.  Each conference can have up to
   254  messagebases and  fileareas.  64*254 = 16256 (or for Pentium users

 - Maximum  security.   Each user can have their own securitysettings, but
   defaults  are taken by securitylevel.  Every command in DayDream can be
   toggled on/off.

 - Basic  utilities  and  doors are included in distribution archive.  For
   example:    Faker,   whof,   new,  top list -utilities, weektop etc.

 - Configuration is done  via an ascii file.  This enables quick modifica-
   tions to the BBS'  settings.  Asciifile  is converted  to  binaryformat
   with  utility  called  DreamConfig.     It takes about 1 sec to compile
   the datafiles with it.

 - If you don't like editing Textfile, there's a MUI based configprogram
   included. (Read MUIConfig.DOC!)

 - Superb  upload handling.  Full support  for file_id.diz, gets date from
   file_id.diz (if  wanted),  built-in offline  checking, adds file_id.diz
   to archives if it didn't exist etc.

 - Strings  and  prompts  can be re-defined, so you can customize your BBS
   any way you like.

 - You  can  have  254  different displaymodes.  Each displaymode can have
   it's own  characterconversiontables  (=no  more linefeeds), prompts and
   strings and textfiles.

 - Multinode  support.  Supports up  to 254 nodes in theory. I suppose you
   can have at least 5 nodes  on regular  030  without  too high CPU-Load.

 - Door formats supported: DayDream, ARexx, Paragon, stdio. AmiExpress
   preudo-rexx "XIM" doors work via external emulation.

 - Supports XPR-Protocols, Hydra+SModem (Bidirectional w/ chat).

 - Supports FTP-transfers. There's a custom ftpd for DD to have on-the-fly

 - Cheap. This version of DayDream is FREE !!!

 - Everything else except DDHydra and SModem can be made resident!

 - KickStart 2.04 (V37) or higher.
 - Fifo.library and l:fifo-handler running (for stdio doors etc.)
 - Reqtools.library

DayDream is currently being developed at full speed and I intend to
continue as long as there is any interest in this program.

If you have any  comments, discover some  bugs or have any suggestions etc
feel free to send E-Mail to me.

Regards and best wishes,           .---.
! NoaH ! Vladimir Petrovic        / NEW \      coder of DayDream BBS Software
e-mail        \_/-\_/      member of < MAD VIRGIN > group
      visit Mad Virgin home_page at