Short:        Kills users that you don't want on MAX's BBS
Author: (Greg Fitch)
Uploader:     gfitch iccu6 ipswichcity qld gov au
Type:         comm/bbs
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

                         BNames v1.0
                 For MAX's BBS v1.52 - v1.54
                        By Greg Fitch
	This Door is for all the SysOps that have people logon 
with names that are not wanted on the BBS. The first thing it 
does is it checks the list of names and if it finds the user has
used one of the names in the list it will display the KILL.Text
screen and drop their access to 0 and their time to 0 then log
the off instantly. Of course you will still have them in the log
and the user listing (Sorry but they have to login first) but
then you can either leave them there or delete them it's up to you.