Short:        Date-o-Member - helps u remember (un-)important dates, ** PRERELEASE **
Author: (Soenke Tesch)
Uploader:     s_tesch freeside sh sub de (Soenke Tesch)
Type:         util/time
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is a prerelease of Date-o-Member, the utility that helps you remember all
the important dates you and your Amiga used to forget!
I had the idea 3 or 4 years ago, started 99900 times to make it real, didn`t
get far and started again.. This morning I thought I need some user feedback
and so I put Date-o-Member on AmiNet. Please test it, think about it, and send
me lots of suggestions, what you like, what you hate, what you want..

Some Date-o-Member features:
 o displays a requester
 o flashes the screen
 o can start any number of
   · normal programs
   · AmigaDOS batch files
   · ARexx programs
   · ARexx commands
 o MUI-based user interface
 o easy to use (but if you`re a nice person, help me and write a documentation)

  Unpack the archive, place DateCron in your sys:WBStartup and Date-o-Member
  anywhere you like.
  DateCron will then load the dates at startup from a file specified via the
  tooltype CRONFILE (default is env:Date-o-Member.cron).

As I said, this is an (incomplete) beta release, there are still lots of things
on my to-do list..

Have fun, Soenk.e

  This archive may be distributed via AmiNet as long as all files stay together.
  Everything in this archive is © 1994 Sönke Tesch.
  Use at your own risk!