Short:        Users claim: Best Amiga clock program
Author:       Karl Lukas
Uploader:     padrino magicmenu de (Mario 'padrino' Cattaneo)
Type:         util/time
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4

*** NOTE ***
This is an preservation upload to aminet.
It is *not* related to util/time/dclock2_0.lha
*** END OF NOTE ***

Original readme follows:


    Iconify function
    Support of public screens via tooltypes
    Date ( or mm.dd.yyy) and time formats (24h or am/pm) can
      now be toggled independantly
    New icon

    DClock is a digital clock program for the Amiga Workbench.
    Features include:

    - DClock has it's own small window which can be placed
      anywhere on the Workbench screen.

    - DClock  comes with a completely  menu-driven GUI. No
      commandline options are necessary.

    - Timer and alarm clock function with the ability to
      run user-defined Shell commands (including ARexx-
      scripts if you use the RX command, and Shell-scripts).

    - Date function

    - Fore- and  background colors of the window are user-

    - All settings  can be saved and will automatically be
      loaded upon startup. This  includes the  position of
      the DClock window, the  colors, and  the settings of
      the alarm clock.

    - Iconify function

   o Any Amiga with KS 2.04+
   o reqtools.library V38+ (not part of this distribution)

    DClock makes use of the  reqtools.library, which is not part
    of this distribution. It is  available  on Aminet or  on the
    Amiga software library (fish) disks. Thanks to Nico Francois
    for his great product.