Short: Calculate PI in pure AMIGA shell script Author: (Barry Walker, G0LCU) Uploader: LAG (Lincolnshire Amiga Group) Type: util/shell Version: 1.10.00 Architecture: generic ============================================================================ Architectures: Classic AMIGAs, FS-UAE, and probably WinUAE. ----------------------------------------------------------- MINIMUM requirements for the AmigaShell ONLY version are:- ---------------------------------------------------------- Stock A1200(HD), no extras required except a/the Hard Disk Drive. Standard OS 3.0x install or better. FS-UAE 2.8.1, minimum. Standard OS 3.0x install or better. MINIMUM requirements for the AMIGA ADE combination are:- -------------------------------------------------------- Stock A1200(HD), as above but with an extra 4MB FastRAM. Standard OS 3.0x install or better. FS-UAE 2.8.1, minimum. Standard OS 3.0x install or better. 'ADE' installtion:- < > 'ixemul' installation:- < > ------------------------------------------------------------- (FastRam, Accelerators, CPUs, etc, are an enormous bonus.) NOT tested on WinUAE but will probably work. NOT tested on machines with AMIGA OS2.xx but might just work. For the Linux/UNIX version, virtually any 64 bit OS will work! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- History:- --------- 18-03-2025. ----------- Version 1.10.00. Added and AMIGA ADE version and Linux/UNIX version too. Also, added snapshots of all versions in 'BMP' format. 16-02-2021. ----------- Version 1.00.00. Probably the one and only upload for this archive. (Total 393 DLs.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- General:- --------- (Apologies for any typos, etc...) Calculate Pi in a pure AMIGA shell script to 5 decimal places... Nilakantha series... < > PI=3+(4/(2x3x4))-(4/(4x5x6))+(4/(6x7x8))-(4/(8x9x10))+... NOTE: It is possible to do 8 decimal places, but would take a LONG time. There are two Classic AMIGA versions:- 1) A simple one that uses ( 22 / 7 ) as an approximation of Pi, a value of 3.1428571 to 7 decimal places, with a line by line description of what is going on to show the concepts. This is and can be launched from the IconX icon. 2) that uses the above series and is slow, but accurate. It prints each calculated stage until the 26th calculation loop is finished and then exits the loop to print out the value 3.14159. This too can be launched from the IconX icon. Just read the scripts for more information. From the principles are described on screen but the shell script shows how exactly how it was done. Exactly the same principles were applied to the script. This uses nothing more than a Stock, (Boxed), Amiga A1200(HD) and OS3.0x. Apart from the Hard Disk Drive, an option when boxed, there are NO dependencies software or hardware at all... Also versions for the AMIGA ADE combination, and the Linux/UNIX like OSes. Enjoy... Bazza... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lincolnshire Amiga Group: < > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This archive is issued under the CC0 Licence. Public Domain. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT:- ----------- The Legal Stuff:- ----------------- This code is CC0 licenced, Public Domain. The author is not responsible for any damage to, or loss of, or failure of equipment or data caused in any way by the use of this code. There is NO warranty with the use of this software release and YOU USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Testing Evaluation:- -------------------- All FS-UAE and Classic AMIGA test conditions were/are running standard OS 3.0x and using standard ~topaz 8~ fonts throughout. The minimum hardware and software requirements ARE needed however. I have no idea what strange configuration setups will create so refer to the ~The Legal Stuff~ above. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barry Walker, G0LCU. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A very useful HardWare related site, (C) Anthony Hoffman, for modifications, schematics, repairs and the like is:- < > ============================================================================