Short:        Rexx Window Skeleton 2.4
Author:       K†re Johansson
Uploader:     kas mink ping dk (Klaus Alexander Seistrup)
Type:         util/rexx
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

	This program could save you many hours of programming and makes ARexx
intuition related to your scripts real fun - just press one or two buttons and
a full ARexx intuition skeleton is ready by your hand.

	Rexx Window Skeleton is dedicated to RexxArpLib.library 3.3 by W.G.J.
Langeveld - which gives a nice ARexx intuition interface that looks like OS2/3
and works like c intuition programming.

	This program intuition is made as clear & clean as possible with only one
window - I like a nice clean layout - Isn't frustrating with all these programs
with lots of windows.

	Well this version is the PD version Rev. 2.4 - and need OS2 or higher, well
thanks goes to all the beta testers support.


 »For by fire and by his sword will the LORD plead with all flesh: and the
  slain of the LORD shall be many.«
                                                            (Isaiah 66:16)