Short:        Arexx script "Lightwave to MovieShop."
Author: (Francisco Vidal, Patxi / Capsule col.)
Uploader:     fjvidal ctv es (Francisco Vidal, Patxi / Capsule col )
Type:         util/rexx
Version:      1.2
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

               MovieLight 1.2 by Patxi Vidal

An Arexx script to help you if you use MovieShop (Macrosystem) and
Lightwave (Newtek).

The script handles images grabed from a VLab-Motion and converts them
to use them with Lightwave. No more a large list of images named "00x",
and it saves hard disk space ;-)

Lightwave only takes ONE frame of every scene from MovieShop, and from the HD
or the VLab-Motion partition.

The scripts generates a temporal image in "Ram:t/" for every MovieShop scene
and it's 1.5Mb long aprox. If you think you don't have enough memory you
could assign the temp directory to a hard disk directory, "work:temp/", for
example . You must edit the script with a text editor like Cygnus Ed and
replace "Ram:t/" with the location you choose.

A requester will ask you if you want to create a new scene in MovieShop with
the Lightwave rendered images, or the other option, leave them in the HD as
simple images with the normal Lightwave names.
Another requester will remind you that the script only uses the scenes that
exist in this moments in the MovieShop "scenes" window.
I'd included a library that must be copied onto the libs: drawer.


This script is not perfect, and can be improved. If someone knows the way of
improve it , please contact me and keep me informed. My Arexx knowledgment
is pretty basic, so I must learned by looking other scripts maded by other
people. This version includes a non OS library, the rexxqtools.library.
If someone wants it I can customize the script for him.


It works faultlessly with Lightwave 3.5 and every MovieShop version. Lightwave
v4 and v5 got slightly improvements in the "Images" panel, and the suffix of
the image can be choosen. This script is based in the three digits suffixes
( 0-999 ), so only can be maded renders up to a 1000 frames maximum (40 secs)