RoadRoute.lha |
util/misc |
702 |
94K |
1991-10-28 |
Detemines routes between 2 cities - (readme) |
rn.lha |
1.1 |
util/misc |
677 |
8K |
2001-05-20 |
Riktnummer: Special search/database tool - (readme) |
RipROM.lha |
util/misc |
1563 |
8K |
2015-07-21 |
Rips extended roms from CD32/CDTV - (readme) |
RipFile.lha |
util/misc |
749 |
11K |
1996-01-10 |
5K File Ripper - (readme) |
ringtonetools.lha |
2.26 |
util/misc |
843 |
165K |
2005-11-06 |
Helps in the creation of ringtones - (readme) |
RightSunMouse.lha |
util/misc |
707 |
8K |
2001-10-03 |
Activate windows by right mouse button - (readme) |
rhErase-source.lha |
1.2 |
util/misc |
645 |
51K |
2012-03-07 |
rhErase - Secure file eraser - (readme) |
rhErase-morphos.lha |
1.2 |
util/misc |
842 |
88K |
2012-03-07 |
rhErase - Secure file eraser - (readme) |
rhErase-amigaos3.lha |
1.2 |
util/misc |
683 |
47K |
2012-03-07 |
rhErase - Secure file eraser - (readme) |
RHelfer.lha |
util/misc |
682 |
177K |
1999-06-30 |
Helps to solve german crosswords. V2.12 - (readme) |
rgbpch.lha |
util/misc |
684 |
4K |
1999-04-21 |
Maximum white patch - (readme) |
Reverse.lha |
util/misc |
757 |
1K |
1993-01-14 |
Reverse the contents of a file. - (readme) |
Retriever.lha |
1.1 |
util/misc |
684 |
38K |
2001-12-17 |
Another file finder utility - (readme) |
ResRun_V1.0.lha |
util/misc |
690 |
4K |
1995-03-15 |
Run selected program after a reset. - (readme) |
resetserver.lha |
util/misc |
654 |
108K |
1999-08-20 |
ResetServer v1.00 - (readme) |
ResetRun2.lha |
util/misc |
934 |
10K |
2002-08-04 |
Resets your computer and runs a given program. - (readme) |
reset2.lha |
util/misc |
709 |
5K |
1997-02-12 |
Resets your Amiga FAST! - (readme) |
Reset.lha |
util/misc |
1091 |
6K |
1993-04-27 |
Total reset, removes kickstarts, RAD:, viruses - (readme) |
RequestString.lha |
util/misc |
956 |
5K |
1997-05-30 |
A utility to complement RequestChoice and RequestFile - (readme) |
Request2.03.lha |
util/misc |
636 |
35K |
1994-12-31 |
Replacement for ask - (readme) |
ReqProcessor.lha |
util/misc |
669 |
6K |
1995-08-11 |
Intercepts EasyRequestArgs() and executes ARexx script - (readme) |
ReqAttack_sp.lha |
util/misc |
670 |
25K |
2001-10-11 |
ReqAttack spannish translation (1.90) - (readme) |
ReqAttack_hun.lha |
util/misc |
631 |
6K |
2001-10-11 |
RAPrefsMUI hungarian catalog (1.90) - (readme) |
ReqAttack_fin.lha |
util/misc |
631 |
34K |
2001-05-15 |
RAPrefsMUI finnish catalog - (readme) |
ReqAttack_deu.lha |
util/misc |
744 |
28K |
2001-10-11 |
RAPrefsMUI german catalog & docs(1.90) - (readme) |
ReqAttackUpd.lha |
util/misc |
991 |
131K |
2002-01-05 |
1.96, update for users of ReqAttack1.90 - (readme) |
ReqAttackPrese.lha |
util/misc |
772 |
30K |
2001-10-11 |
Example presets for ReqAttack - (readme) |
ReqAttackGfx.lha |
util/misc |
879 |
59K |
2001-04-19 |
Logos & patterns for ReqAttack - (readme) |
ReqAttackAnims.lha |
util/misc |
1714 |
2.5M |
2000-01-24 |
Requester animations for ReqAttack - (readme) |
ReqAttack.lha |
util/misc |
2714 |
379K |
2003-10-12 |
Best, configurable requesters for Amiga - (readme) |
ReportPlusMOS.lha |
8.62 |
util/misc |
11191 |
804K |
2024-12-17 |
Multipurpose utility - (readme) |
ReportPlus4_71.lha |
4.71 |
util/misc |
1869 |
400K |
2001-11-14 |
Report+ 4.71: JUST for Os 3.5 and below! - (readme) |
ReportPlus.lha |
8.62 |
util/misc |
18409 |
693K |
2024-12-16 |
Multipurpose utility - (readme) |
ReportPlus-OS4.lha |
8.62 |
util/misc |
8141 |
874K |
2024-12-16 |
Multipurpose utility - (readme) |
replace.lha |
1.1 |
util/misc |
651 |
3K |
1998-09-06 |
For replace strings in binary files. - (readme) |
ReNum.lha |
util/misc |
626 |
17K |
1994-09-18 |
Sequential filename set renumbering utility - (readme) |
remover.lha |
0.2á |
util/misc |
687 |
9K |
1996-02-27 |
Removes prg installed w/ C=\'s Installer - (readme) |
remindmev10.lha |
util/misc |
632 |
17K |
1994-09-16 |
A simple events reminder (V1.0) - (readme) |
reminder111.lha |
1.11 |
util/misc |
635 |
27K |
1997-04-02 |
Remindes you about whatever you want.. - (readme) |
Reminder-1.20.lha |
util/misc |
698 |
149K |
1993-04-19 |
Reminds + ARexx you about events on boot - (readme) |
remcom.lha |
util/misc |
629 |
23K |
1996-03-27 |
RemCom - Removes comments, inc asm code - (readme) |
Register.lha |
util/misc |
632 |
42K |
1996-12-29 |
Little tool for shareware programmers (German Only) - (readme) |
ReFluX.lha |
1.0ß |
util/misc |
627 |
8K |
1999-02-21 |
Automatic memory flusher, beta. - (readme) |
Recentify.lha |
1.6 |
util/misc |
659 |
11K |
1997-03-14 |
Powerfull Aminet Index creator !!!!! - (readme) |
recentif.lha |
1.3 |
util/misc |
629 |
11K |
1996-10-31 |
Powerfull Aminet Index creator - (readme) |
recentfiles.sbar.lha |
1.1 |
util/misc |
922 |
53K |
2015-12-28 |
A recent file information screenbar module. - (readme) |
Recent2Term.lha |
util/misc |
652 |
35K |
1994-07-19 |
Work with Aminet-Recent. - (readme) |
Reboot_10.lha |
util/misc |
910 |
1K |
1997-12-08 |
Simple Reboot Command - (readme) |
rebootpatch.lha |
1.0 |
util/misc |
684 |
4K |
2002-06-23 |
V1.0 Rebootpatch: Allow or deny reboots. - (readme) |
Reboot111.lha |
util/misc |
739 |
32K |
1998-09-29 |
Reboot utility. V1.11 - (readme) |