Short:        Can reduce the size of an NDS rom file.
Author:       Don't know
Uploader:     bitRocky gmx de
Type:         util/misc
Version:      1.3
Architecture: ppc-morphos >= 1.4.5

This tool can reduce the size of a Nintendo DS rom image file.
Usage: ndsTrimmer Input/M,OF=OutputFormat/K,IF=InfoFormat/K,INFO/S,DEBUG/S,USAGE/S

The arguments:
    the nds files which should be trimmed, you can specify more than one file and you can also use AmigaDOS wildcards, f.e.: ndsTrimmer *.nds or ndsTrimmer test1.nds test2.nds INFO

    This is not yet supported, atm the output filename will be <name of the input file w/o suffix>_trim.nds

    This specifies the format of the information which is shown when the INFO/S switch is used.
    A '%f' is replaced by the filename (w/o path)
    A '%F' is replaced by the full filename (with path)
    A '%s' is replaced by the filesize
    A '%S' is replaced by the filesize with dots between each 3 numbers (1.000 instead of 1000)
    A '%z' is replaced by the new filesize after trimming
    A '%Z' is replaced by the new filesize after trimming with dots between each 3 numbers
    A '%v' is replaced by the saved filesize after trimming
    A '%V' is replaced by the saved filesize after trimming with dots between each 3 numbers
 A '%t' is replaced by the GameTitle (12 chars)
 A '%g' is replaced by the GameCode (4 chars)
 A '%c' is replaced by the Country (3 chars, f.e. EUR, USA, JPN)
 A '%d' is replaced by the CardSize (f.e 8 MB, 16 MB, 32 MB etc)
    Only show some information about the nds files. Default format is:
      "Filename: %FnFilesize: %S bytes.nNew size: %Z bytes.nCan save: %V bytes.n"

    Show some debug msgs, only usefull, if something went wrong.

    Show the usage of this tool.