Short: Locatedb (linux like) + mainguide-maker Author: (Philipp Freudenberger) Uploader: blafasel gmx net (Philipp Freudenberger) Type: util/misc Version: 0.5b Requires: AmigaOS and MUIRexx (GUI) Architecture: m68k-amigaos This simple AREXX program makes a database from ALL files at ALL partitions and u can search in this database for a file or part (patterns can be used). Bonus: It can make a Guide from the database which include ALL files at ALL partitions which ur pattern and create a Main-Guide for all. Bug: No full error correction !!! This is the fourth public release from locatedb, hope u enjoy and it helps u. I will make the program faster + smaller and include an error-correction. i have had a lot of time, so i maked a gui :-) . Requires: orig. join,sort,list,delete,copy in c: MUIRExx for the GUI Include: locatedb.rexx (The main file) locatedb.03.rexx (The old main file) locatedbcmd.rexx (The command interface) locatedbgui.rexx (The MUIRexx GUI) locatedb.readme (This one) locate (a simple script to make search easyer) Usage: rx locatedb update => Make/Update the main database rx locatedb search <pattern> => Search for <pattern> (main database required) rx locatedb makeguide <pattern> => Makes a guide for all files match pattern and creates a main guide for all pattern-guides. U can use wildcards at <pattern> (like #?.gif; all ur multiview can display) but : ATTENTION !!! use search/makeguide for things like #?a#? at ur own risk !!! It can send ur amiga to india (Guru or things like that), because this takes a loooong time AND take a lot of space (ram/hd) !!! Befor u start: copy/move locatedb#? somewhere u want (rexx: is the best i think) all files (not the locate script) MUST be in the same directory. open locatedb.rexx with an editor. Check the path and file names. Edit, if u want. Thats all i hope. If you have suggestions, questions, comments, bug reports etc. write to: Email: Excuse my english, but it isnt my favorite one :-)=) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT The copyright for locatedb is by Blafasel Modifications to the arexx scripts are allowed for personal use, but not for distribution. If you make any modifications to the scripts to make it work better send me a copy. DISTRIBUTION This software is freely distributable. The distribution is permitted under the following conditions: - All associated files included with the distribution archive are to remain intact and unaltered. - The distribution over BBS's, Internet, software libraries like the ones from Fred Fish or Aminet CD-ROM's and similar electronic channels is granted. - For disc-magazines and service providers, who rise additional costs for the file transfer, the permission of the program author is required. - This only applies to my work... read the copyright's for other programs. DISCLAIMER This software is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event will the author be liable for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages or data loss resulting from the use or application of this software. The entire risk as to the results and performance of this software is assumed by the user. ...... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- History: Version 0.5b : -wrote a GUI -rewrite the main file for use with gui Version 0.4b : -removed and rewrite some parts -add the first part of the error correction Version 0.4a : -add some new features ( pattern guides and main guide) -add some error routines -rewrite some parts of makeguide -not faster but works better Version 0.3a : -first public release -slow but works