Short:        Fully functional scientific calculator
Author: (Donald W Millican)
Uploader:     DonaldWM stonelawdrive freeserve co uk (Donald W Millican)
Type:         util/misc
Version:      2.85
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Calculator - by DWM Productions
Requirements  - An Amiga and Gadtools library v37+ in rom
Programmed with Golded 4.7.2 & StormC 3.0
Latest version completed - 30/06/00

View the Amigaguide document for more information.

If you don't know how to work a calculator then don't use this
program. If you do, then try it out.
All of the available buttons work as required.
You can also enter calculations on the keyboard and use RETURN
or ENTER as equals. The takeback '<-' button deletes the last entry,
its keyboard equivalent is BACKSPACE. Any other key is ignored.
The button in the second window (opened by a menu item) are