Short:        MUI Make ThumbNails and HTML files.
Author: (Lorens Johansson)
Uploader:     SnorsleX Home se (Lorens Johansson)
Type:         util/misc
Version:      2.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Required:     MUI, MUIRexx, rexxdossupport.library, rexxsupport.library, rexxkuang11.library, GFXCon

What is ThumbNailMaker?
ThumbNailMaker is a program that makes ThumbNails. For example to your
homepage. It can make HTML files for the ThumbNails and it has many more
options for you to explore.

It's the easiest tool out there for you to use!

Created Using CreateAminetReadMe by Lorens Johansson.