Short:        Splits Aminet Index to dir & sub dir
Author: (Peter Ashford)
Uploader:     michaelj earthlight co nz (Michael Johnstone)
Type:         util/misc
Replaces:     util/misc/splitindex12.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

SplitIndex.doc - Documentation for SplitIndex V1.25



This program is freeware - copy/use it to your heart's content, but
remember: if you use the SplitIndex and your computer explodes, you get
invaded by martians, or any other unpleasant occurance befalls you, it's
not my fault! :)

It seems to run properly, but...  (everyone repeat the mantra) "I use PD
software at my own risk..."

What Does It Do?

The program takes an aminet index file and splits it into several
sub-indexes by aminet directory, i.e.  from your INDEX file, you create, list.comm, ...  list.util.  etc...  This is usefull for those of
us without enough memory to have the whole index in a text reader at once.

This program was based on an AREXX script by Andreas Arleving which did
exactly the same thing - So why did I make SplitIndex????

Well, Running Andreas's script took 1 hour and 40 minutes on my rather humble
68000 based 2000 - SplitIndex (being written in C) did it in about 4


SplitIndex is CLI only - if it is run from WB, it will do nothing.  Command
format is:


Where <INDEXFILE> is the name of the aminet index to split and <OUTFILE> is
the prefix for the sub indexes to be created, eg:

SplitIndex INDEX output/List

Typing 'SplitIndex ?' will list the command format and

SplitIndex SUB INDEX output/List

will split the index file by Aminet subdirectories rather than Aminet parent
directories, to produce smaller output files.

V1.0    Initial release.

V1.2    Added SUB keyword which splits the index up by aminet 
        directory + subdirectory for even smaller output files.

V1.25   Modified the program to handle the full-length aminet indexes which 
        are found in aminet/info/index.  I had just assumed that INDEX files
        were always 80 characters wide, and this was hard coded into the 
        program.  Thanks to Matteo Taveggia, for pointing out that this
        wasn't the case  8-)

Personal Notes:

* Thanks to Andreas Arleving for releasing his AREXX script to Aminet - my
program is based largely on his script.

* Comments, criticisms, suggestions and bug reports would be very much

snail mail:     c/- 115 Glenpark Ave, Dunedin, New Zealand.