Short:        Corrects display for NON RTG Software.
Author: (Dale Kirkwood)
Uploader:     kirkwood thenet co uk (Dale Kirkwood)
Type:         util/misc
Version:      1.0
Requires:     OS 2.04
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

When tring to run the Alien Breed 3D II demo on my CyberGraphX equipped 4000,
I noticed that the game did not open its own screen, instead it hit the 
Amigas hardware direct with the effect that I could still see my RTG 
workbench , I could hear the game starting but could not see it.

This archive contains a little utility that cures this annoying feature of 
running a RTG card. 

It attempts to open a 15khz Amiga Native PAL screen before executeing 
then Command/Game, thereby ensuring that display is in the correct mode 
IE native Amiga displays (ECS/AGA).

It is based on the same idea as Fred Hamilton's NoPicasso but does on 
or two things  differently in that IT executes the Command/Game and 
doesn't have to be run first.

Usage looks like this

	NoCyberGraphX (Path/Command)

And thats it.

Important. If you are running a screen promotor such as NewMode or ChangeMode,
you should not promote this screen to a CyberGraphX mode or just to be extra
safe a DBLPAL / DBLNTSC screen.

This utility should also work with a Picasso IIs default software , tho this 
is untested.

Contact me with any suggestions at:
