Short:        Tiny CLI commands for testing mousebuttons.
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Someone asked me on IRC yesterday if there were any commands that could be
put in a startup-sequence to test the mouse buttons.

OK, so maybe everyone already has these and I just didn't know where they were.

But rather than trying to track them down, I decided it would be easier just
to write my own, and here they are.

In this archive you will find:

  TestLMB     - Program to use in CLI scripts to test the left mouse button.
  TestRMB     - Program to use in CLI scripts to test the right mouse button.
           (both of the above return 5 when pressed.  Test with "if WARN")

  TestLMB.ASM - sourcecode to TestLMB so you can see how hard I worked...not
  TestRMB.ASM - sourcecode to TestRMB so you can see how hard I worked...not

  tstL.scp    - An example CLI script that uses TestLMB. Read it, then try it.
  tstR.scp    - An example CLI script that uses TestRMB. Read it, then try it.

There ya go, enjoy....

    Ed Mackey           IRC:  LineNoise
    PO Box 475
    Wayne, PA 19087     email: