Short:        Prevents Access to your hard drive with password.
Author: (Stuart Kelly)
Uploader:     stuart dkelly1 demon co uk (Stuart Kelly)
Type:         util/misc
Version:      4.3
Replaces:     util/misc/LockupV4.2*
Requires:     Workbench 2 And Above
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

 Lockup V 4.3 lets you prevent people from accessing your hard drive while
 you are away.  You can have as many users as you want each with their own

 New Features of Lockup V 4.3:-

 1. Locale Support.
 2. User Selected Protection Window Picture.
 3. Improved Guide.
 4. Update Lockup V 4.2 Script.
 5. Snapshot Main Window.

 By Stuart Kelly UK.

 Web Site:-