Short: Cut data from FILE with position, and length (with source) Author: LouiSe Uploader: LouiSe <louise mail ahiv hu> Type: util/file Architecture: m68k-amigaos Simple file cutter by LouiSe Usage: LSFileCut <sourcefile> <targetfile> <position> <bytes> --------------------------------------------------------- check out our projects @ - AMIGAonly, the hungarian Amiga magazin - LouiSe's home - Amiga Linux page --- CUT HERE for THE SOURCE ! --------------------------- #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <clib/dos_protos.h> #define BUFFSIZE 200000UL void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { BPTR fhi, fho; long pos,bytes; char buffer[BUFFSIZE]; long allbytes=0; long fr=0; if(argc<5) { printf("usage:\n"); printf(" LSFileCut <source filename> <target filename> <position> <bytes>\n"); exit(0); } if(strchr(argv[3],'x')!=NULL) sscanf(argv[3],"%x",&pos); else pos=atol(argv[3]); if(strchr(argv[4],'x')!=NULL) sscanf(argv[4],"%x",&bytes); else bytes=atol(argv[4]); printf("FileCut v1.05 by LouiSe 1999\n\n"); printf("Input file : %s\n",argv[1]); printf("Output file : %s\n",argv[2]); printf("Cut position : %lu\n",pos); printf("Bytes to Cut : %lu\n",bytes); if((fhi=Open(argv[1],MODE_OLDFILE))==NULL) { printf("*** couldn't open input file: []\n",argv[1]); exit(-1); } else { if((fho=Open(argv[2],MODE_NEWFILE))==NULL) { printf("*** couldn't open output file: []\n",argv[2]); exit(-2); } else { allbytes=0; Seek(fhi,pos,OFFSET_BEGINNING); while(1) { fr=Read(fhi,buffer,sizeof(buffer)); if(fr<=0) break; allbytes=allbytes+fr; // printf("fr=%lu, allbytes=%lu\n",fr,allbytes); if(allbytes<bytes) { Write(fho,buffer,fr); } else { if(fr>bytes) { Write(fho,buffer,bytes); } else { Write(fho,buffer,allbytes-bytes); } break; } } Close(fhi); Close(fho); } } }