Short:        Injects things into the input stream. V2.32
Author:       Frederic Delacroix
Type:         util/misc
Version:      2.32
Requires:     OS2.04+
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Source:       Fish collection

Those of you who already know Injector will have to read on, as the program
was entirely rewritten since version 1.x, and lots of things have changed.

Injector  is  a  hotkey-invoked commodity whose purpose is to inject things
into the InputEvent stream (that is to say as if typed on keyboard).  It is
wholly  configurable  with a nice preferences program, has ARexx facilities
and lots of features.

However, the icon facility has been removed, this will be the job of a more
functionnal commodity (yet to be written:-).

To make this work, Injector has its own language, made of keywords, with or
without  arguments  enclosed  in  parentheses.   You  will have to read the
references sections for further informations.

Frederic Delacroix
5 rue d'Artres