Short:        Add/Delete/Extract FILE_ID.DIZ.
Author: (Jonas Kjellin)
Uploader:     kjellin whoever com (Jonas Kjellin)
Type:         util/misc
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Adds, Deletes, Extracts FILE_ID.DIZ from the @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ, 
@END_FILE_ID.DIZ specification.

Mainly made for DoDIZ v3.0, but can be used for everything.

This is a very fast made program because I nedded it for DoDIZ v3.0.
It will soon be speeded up and updated with more FILE_ID.DIZ recognitions.

I made it because I couldn't find any good programs which handles
Add, Delete and Extract in the same program.