Short:        Slows your Amiga down.
Author: (Dick Valk)
Uploader:     dvalk bart nl (Dick Valk)
Type:         util/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Brake slows down all tasks that run at a lower priority than itself.
I wrote it because I thought I saw another program of mine do something
funny, but it happened too quickly to see what it was.

An explanation of the controls:

  Brake level:   the higher the level, the slower all programs that
                 run at a lower priority than Brake.
  Brake Action : turn braking on or off
  Priority:      the priority at which Brake should run.

Be careful when you set the brake level high. It could lock your Amiga up.
When it does, you can use the emergency brake: keep the left mouse button
pressed for a while. For this I banged the hardware, I am afraid. I could
not rely on the system, as it too might be locked up. I'm not sure this
works though. Haven't tested it yet.

Another small use of Brake is setting the priority low, and see what the
system load is of all tasks with a higher priority. The more load, the
slower the square in the bar at the top of the window will move.