Short:        C64 KoalaPainter DataType
Author:       Massimiliano Scarano
Uploader:     Massimiliano Scarano mscarano libero it
Type:         util/dtype
Version:      39.4
Replaces:     Koala_DataType_V39_3.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0


Koala DataType is a picture datatype for displaying Commodore 64 KoalaPainter images under AmigaOS 3.0 or higher.


* Resolution of rendered images is 320 x 200 pixels - 16 colours
* C64 colours palette preserved with high accuracy
* AmigaGuide documentation including
    * C64 KoalaPainter file format specification
    * a C64 palettes gallery
    * a lot of related and interesting web links
    * a comfortable images browser
* Source code supplied
* More than 40 sample Koala images supplied

 Releases history

* Version 39.0 released 31-Mar-2007, first public release.

* Version 39.1 released 06-Apr-2007:
    * few minor improvements

* Version 39.2 released 10-Apr-2007:
    * few images added
    * AmigaGuide images browser added

* Version 39.3 released 22-Apr-2007:
    * few minor improvements

* Version 39.4 released 16-Jul-2007:
    * recompiled with SAS/C 6.58
    * few minor changes


Massimiliano Scarano
Web site: