Short:        DOpus Images  NewIcons by Dr_Ash
Author: (Ash Thomas)
Uploader:     cs95abt brunel ac uk (Ash Thomas)
Type:         util/dopus
Architecture: generic

This archive is a replacement for the Images directory
were you should find 157 mwb pictures. In this archive
there are 157 NewIcon replacement pictures. I have also
drawn NewIcons for these pictures so it becomes easier
to see what each file represents. Please note: the
purpose of this archive is to replace the pictures,
hence the NewIcons do not animate - they merely move
down and to the right a pixel. This is because they
are representing a picture, not an animbrush! Once
I have finished replacing all icons I will start drawing
animbrushes and NewIcons which animate when clicked on!

Next up is the images/icons directory to do. Once this
is done I will have completely replaced all the dopus icons.

This upload is email-ware. If you use it please email or
write a postcard to me. Even if you have emailed me or
written to me before, for another archive, please write
again. I will reply to you.

Ash Thomas,
Sinton Green,
WR2 6NS.   England

This way I can tell how many people are using my work
and if its worth continuing developing it. Any suggestions
are also appreciated.

Ash Thomas  (Dr_Ash on IRC)