Short: ARexx: open a WB window for directories Author: Wizardry and Steamworks Uploader: "Wizardry and Steamworks" <mail grimore org> Type: util/dopus Version: 1.1 Replaces: util/dopus/DOpus4-OpenWindow.lha Architecture: generic --------------------------------------------------------------- Open a window for selected directories in DirectoryOpus 4.x --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- >> ChangeLog ----------------------- * 20211205 - if no directory selected, open current directory ----------------------- >> About ----------------------- With this script a workbench window can be opened for all currently selected directories in DirectoryOpus 4.x ----------------------- >> How to install ----------------------- 1.) Extract the archive 2.) Place DOpus4-OpenWindow.rexx wherever you see fit. (It is tidy, for example, to create an ARexx directory in DOPUS4: and then place your scripts there.) 3.) Open DirectoryOpus4 and right-click and go to Project->Configure 4.) On the screen that pops-up, go to Buttons and create a new button somewhere where you see fit. 4a.) Give the button a name ("Open Window", for example) and create a new entry. 4b.) Set the cycler to ARexx and click the magnifying glass to enter the path to the DOpus4-OpenWindow.rexx script. 5.) You do not need to set any flags. 6.) Save and exit and you are done. ----------------------- >> How to use ----------------------- After adding the button, select one or more directories in DirectoryOpus and click the button to open a Workbench window. ----------------------- >> Caveats ---------------------- * If your files contain either the asterisk (*) character or the forward-slash character (/), which are reserved AmigaDOS characters, the script will fail. ----------------------- >> Project Website ----------------------- ----------------------- >> Feedback ----------------------- You can reach us at: Wizardry and Steamworks e-mail: