Short:        Adds the `short' description as filenote
Author: (Gerhard MOERTH)
Uploader:     gmoerth ping at (Gerhard MOERTH)
Type:         util/cli
Version:      1.13
Replaces:     util/cli/SetComment.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

---------- Author ----------

You can contact the author in the following way.

EMail: (Gerhard MOERTH)

 WWW: (My HomePage)

Voice: (WebPhone 2.0)

---------- AMINET-TREE ----------

AMINET-TREE is a script which adds all filenotes to the Aminet-Tree.
This is useful e.g. for the GMC-BBS Mailbox to have comments for the
directory structure.

The syntax is: AMINET-TREE <volume>

---------- Set...Comment ----------

SetComment is a small utility which adds a filenote to a file.
It searches for the keyword `short' and adds the following description
to the file.

Installation: Copy the files to your C: directory.

Attention: SetAminetComment needs a stack of 8192.

The syntax is: SetFishComment <filename>
               SetAminetComment <filename>

SetFishComment reads the filenote from the file *.pi.
SetAminetComment reads the filenote from the file *.readme.

---------- SetAll...Comment ----------

SetAllComment is a small script which uses the list command to find
all files and do the same like SetComment.

Installation: Copy the files to your S: directory.

The syntax is: SetAllFishComm <volume>
               SetAllAminetComm <volume>


SetAllFishComm CDW0:


SetAllAminetComm CDW0:

This works only if you have installed CD-Write.

---------- End ----------