Short: Catch StdOut Output and give it to an application. Uploader: oesi paradis rhein de (Andreas S Oesterhelt) Type: util/cli Architecture: m68k-amigaos CatchIt is a quick'n'dirty Hack, that is similar to 'pipe' or 'APIPE:', with the one difference that it does not invoke the application whose stdout-output is to be captured. Synopsis: CatchIt <command> <arguments, including * for the capture> Some examples: CatchIt Ed * - catches the input fom the invoking process until Ctrl-\ (=EOF) and then runs Ed on the input. (If invoked from a shell window, you can enter the text manually.) CatchIt copy * prt: - same as above, copies input to the printer instead. You get an error, if either - your ram is full - T: is not available - less than 2 arguments are supplied It developed from the spontaneous need to have a user "display" on my system, that would display messages sent to him on the console for test purposes. So I wrote CatchIt and set up an alias in the UUlib:aliases File: display:: "|CatchIt more *" Now all incoming mail for user "display" is displayed by more upon arrival. This is particularly useful if you run AmiTCP and SMTPd, as people can send urgent messages Cc'ed to display. (Note: after being displayed the mails are lost. If you want to save them, add a second recipient to the alias.) You can easily set up pseudo-users for any purpose, say binaries:: "|CatchIt uudecode *" playsound:: "|CatchIt s:decode'n'play *" BlackHole(TM):: "|CatchIt copy * nil:" printer::... viewpic::..... CatchIt is Public Domain. © 1994 by Andreas Oesterhelt (