Short:        V1.20 edit HEX data in your ASCII editor
Author: (Dirk Stoecker)
Uploader:     stoecker amigaworld com (Dirk Stoecker)
Type:         util/cli
Version:      1.20
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Kurz:         Editieren von HEX-Daten mit ASCII Editor

This program has nothing to do with binhex transfer protocol.

This program converts data (for example program code) into the hexadecimal
data system. This data could be edited with your favorite ASCII text
editor. After that you can convert the data back to their old style. So you
do not need a special hexadecimal editor and you will also be able to
delete, insert parts of the file and things like that. Most hexadecimal
editors only allow to change given data byte for byte.

Be sure you know what you are doing! To insert some data into program code
most time crashes the program, because the internal addresses are now
illegal. But the ability to delete data is useful for removing start code
from modules, pictures or text.

BinHex needs OS 37 (2.0) or later OS versions!

  BIN      give filename for original data file
  HEX      give filename for hexadecimal data
  MAKEBIN  set program to convert HEX to BIN (else BIN to HEX)
  ONLYDATA add no ASCII output and no position info to hex data file
  ROWS	   give number of rows in one line (1 row = 4 byte)
  ASMDATA  creates a field of ASM DC.x lines (not convertable back to bin).
  CDATA    creates a C style array of data (not convertable back to bin).
  REVERSED converts HEX format, where groups of bytes are in reverse
  	   order (at the moment only in HEX->BIN mode)
  SIZE     1) for ASMDATA and CDATA (1 = Byte, 2 = Word, 4 = Longword)
  	   2) for REVERSED : gives size of REVERSED data (default = 16)
  NOTAB    Some editors automatically expand tab stops into spaces (for
	   example standard editor C:ED). Use this option for these
	   editors together with MAKEBIN. Now BinHex accepts $ as line end
	   instead of \t (tab stop) as well.
  NOASCII  like ONLYDATA, but includes the space characters in number body

The options ASMDATA and CDATA create an output useable in an assembler or
C compiler. If you choose SIZE 2 or 4 and the file does not end at WORD or
LONG boundaries, at the end zeros are added till the boundary.

To make it impossible to overwrite binary data if not wanted use every time
one of the BIN or HEX keywords, but they are not needed!. «BinHex A B» is
same as «BinHex A HEX B», but the second is saver.

hexadecimal data format:
  In the hexadecimal file the data is interpreted from begin of line to next
  tab stop (\t, $09). If there is no tab stop in the line it is done from
  begin of line to next return (\n, $0A). All other parts and spaces are
  ignored! With NOTAB option a line may end with $ (the start character of
  address) as well.
  If there is a \ in the data part all following characters to the next
  tab stop (or return) are not converted. They are taken like given (good
  for inserting readable text).

  example 1:
  BIN data in RAM:A       Hello World!
  HEX data in RAM:B       48656C6C6F20576F726C6421

  example 2:
  HEX data in RAM:B	  4865 6C6c 6f20\World!
  BIN data in RAM:A       Hello World!

Please report me bugs, comments, suggestions and problems. If possible
write a little mail if you use the program sometimes. If there are some
Enforcer hits or other problems report them as good as possible.

Do not forget BinHex including source is Public Domain! I hope some more
programmers follow the PD/Freeware idea. Shareware is good, but why pay
for example 20$ for a very little utility?
Use it as you want, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY!

Please contact me:

* snail-mail:                  * e-mail:                               *
*   Dirk Stoecker              *             *
*   Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 10 *                    *
*   01877 Bischofswerda        * world wide web:                       *
*   GERMANY                    *     *
* phone:                       * pgp key:                              *
*   GERMANY +49 (0)3594/706666 *   get with finger or from WWW pages   *