Short: X11 BDF to Amiga font converter, V1.3 Author: (Kriton Kyrimis) Uploader: kyrimis cti gr (Kriton Kyrimis) Type: text/font Version: 1.3 Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is a CLI utility that converts X11 fonts (BDF format only) to Amiga format. The program outputs assembly code, which you can then assemble with an assembler (e.g., a68k) and link with a linker (e.g., blink) to produce an Amiga bitmapped font. You can use this program in conjunction with ttf2bdf from the FreeType package to convert TrueType fonts to Amiga format. Changes from version 1.1: Added a SECTION directive to the generated assembly code, to make it possible to assemble the code using SAS/C's asm. Treat all non-proportional fonts as monospace rather than all non-monospace fonts as proportional. This will render character cell fonts correctly (or, at least, less incorrectly).