Short:        Hexedit Environment for GOLDED V1.50
Author: (Wolfgang Morgeneier)
Uploader:     Wolfgang Morgeneier t-online de (Wolfgang Morgeneier)
Type:         text/edit
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

For the Amiga there are not many hex-editors.  Some day I found a program
<BinHex> in the Aminet.  After seeing this, I had the idea, to write a
similar program and an environment for hexadecimal edit for the editor
GOLDED by Dietmar Eilert.  This here is the result of it.

This program can have errors!
I will not be responsible for any bugs of the program or loss of data!
To avoid loss of data, it is best to work only with copies of your files.

This program is freeware.  It can be distributed free on shareware disks
and shareware CDs, when all files are included without changes.

This program requires GOLDED 6, service pack 16.
For older versions of GOLDED the included file GED_Hexedit_V13.lha can be

See the guide for more information.