84782 packages online
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Filename: Bootvirus.Library 1.09
Replaces: BBBF107.lha
Filesize: Bootblock.library: 3324 bytes unpacked
Bootblock.brainfile: 4346 bytes unpacked
Origin: Safe Hex International main center 39:141/127.17
Released: 22-04-95
___ t___a
e/\ \h n/\ \t * Did you know that today no Amiga is safe anymore?
f//\\ \e i/ \ \i * Did you know there is a lot of boot virus today?
a// \\ \x/ \ \o * Do you want to protect your Amiga 100%?
s/ \ \\ \ / \ \n * Do you want to use a simple and effective way?
/ \ /¯¯/ /__ /¯¯/a
\\ \ / / /\ \ /l
\\ // ./ // \ \/!
\\//.:/ \// \ \ If yes, please read the folowing little text.
\/::/®!//\ \ \ Futhermore you will be able to catch >>ALL<<
¯¯¯ // \ //¯¯/ boot viruses e. g. while you are copying your
\ \// / disks!
\ // ./
\ //.:/
The SHI bootvirus.library is released in the
following 2 versions:
BBBF109U.lha (U) for normal users
BBBF109P.lha (P) ONLY... for programmers
This Bootvirus.library is supported by the following
excellent programs:
* Virus Checker by Johan Veldthuis
* Virus Scanner by Gabriele Greco
* Fides Professional by John Lohmeyer
* DMS by ParCon Software
* Virus Info Base by Safe Hex International
* D-Copy by Stefan Bernbo
* X-Copy by Cachet Software (commercial)
* MT-Copy by Gert-Jan Strik
* Harboot virus analyser by Martin Harbo
* Bootwriter by Ralf Thanner
* DMSChecker by Martin Wulffeld
* AntiCicloVir by Mathias Gutt
* MT-Copy by Gert-Jan Strik
The purpose is to a implement virus check too in
programs, not intended to be virus killers. The
purpose is of course to fight more effective against
viruses. Many people don't care if they are
spreading viruses and other don't know where to get a
good virus killer or are using a very old one.
IN THIS UPDATE: - Added viruses: Amida, AssAssin, Cookie, Digital Life,
French, Pestilence, Lovemashine90, TTS 2, TTS 1....
And of course a lot of new virus clones were
recognized as well
Authors: Johan Eliasson. New updates Gabrielle Greco
Required Dos: 1.2 and all later versions
Computer: All Amiga types
Ram: Need 1/2 MB
Contents of util/virus/BBBF109u.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2688 4346 61.8% -lh5- cb0e Mar 22 1995 l/Bootblock.brainfile
[generic] 179 887 20.2% -lh5- 0ac7 Mar 16 1994 l/Bootblock.brainfile.info
[generic] 2059 3324 61.9% -lh5- 1bbe Mar 16 1994 libs/Bootblock.library
[generic] 167 887 18.8% -lh5- 98fa Mar 16 1994 libs/Bootblock.library.info
[generic] 1394 3537 39.4% -lh5- 2a05 Apr 21 1995 bbbf109u-long.txt
[generic] 273 729 37.4% -lh5- b06a Mar 24 1995 bbbf109u_attention!
[generic] 2127 5709 37.3% -lh5- 483d Apr 21 1995 bbbf109u_important!.txt
[generic] 112 126 88.9% -lh5- e2dd Apr 21 1995 file_id.diz
[generic] 45 45 100.0% -lh0- 4a32 Apr 21 1995 file_id.diz_min
[generic] 282 448 62.9% -lh5- f64d Apr 21 1995 file_id.diz_sce
[generic] 4889 12541 39.0% -lh5- 460d Apr 21 1995 USERS.doc
[generic] 641 730 87.8% -lh5- dc0a Mar 16 1994 USERS.doc.info
[generic] 1851 5193 35.6% -lh5- 05e0 Apr 21 1995 WantedViruses
[generic] 637 730 87.3% -lh5- 851e Mar 16 1994 WantedViruses.info
[generic] 421 1280 32.9% -lh5- 18c3 Apr 21 1995 -->formula_ii_amiga_bbs<--
[generic] 421 1280 32.9% -lh5- 18c3 Apr 21 1995 803215.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 16 files 18186 41792 43.5% May 11 1995
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