Uptime-DA displays the age of, by default, the RAM: drive. The meaning of
this is that it displays how long the computer has been running since last
warm reboot. If you have replaced the RAM: drive with a drive that is
reset-proof, or if you specify a reset-proof drive on the command line; the
time displayed will instead be how long the computer has been running since
last _cold_ reboot (i.e. when the reset-proof drive was created for the
first time).
Command line template is
Where DRIVE is optional drive to display the age of (default is RAM:), and
SHORT an option that tells uptime to display only the time, and not the
whole "This computer has been running..."
Uptime tries to be smart about the way the time is displayed. For example,
it will not display something like:
0 hours and 34 minutes and 0 seconds.
instead it will show:
34 minutes.