I've made this primarily for personal use because I didn't
find any other solutions on aminet that were satisfactory.
I later decided to release on aminet. Everyone is free to
use it in any way conciveable. This is FREEWARE.
I use it on daily basis and it works fine, if it doesn't
work for you read this again and study the guide of
the respective program.
*Things in this archive:
-a croatian system keymap
-croatian charset for NewsCoaster
-croatian charset for YAM
-script to use with DOpus5 and DeliTracker
Note: No fonts included, some usefull ones can
be found in croatian locale installation.
*System keymap
All keys are mapped correctly for usage with a standard
PC (win) keyboard as sold in Croatia. Croatian letters
return iso-8859-2 standard codes. To install:
copy "devs keymaps/#?" to devs:keymaps/
then start Input prefs and point to winuae-hr keymap.
*NewsCoaster charset
Charset to be used with NewsCoaster v1.61. Croatian
letters are coded according to iso-8859-2 standard.
win-1250 codes are automatically translated. All outgoing
messages carry the correct encoding in their header.
To install:
copy "newscoaster charset/#?.charset" to newscoaster:charsets/
Go to NC settings, write tab and select this charset.
Note: generator C source included
*YAM charset
Charset to be used with Yet Another Mailer. Croatian
letters are coded according to iso-8859-2 standard.
win-1250 codes are automatically translated. All outgoing
messages carry the correct encoding in their header.
To install:
copy "yam charset/ISOcroatian" to yam:charsets/
Go to YAM config and select this charset under read tab
and under write tab.
*DOpus2Deli script
Script to force DeliTracker2 to use AHI output, usefull
for winuae users not necesarily croatian. :)
It is much better to use winuae ahidriver than emulating
custom amiga audio hardware. You need to do the following:
install AHIusr package
install ahidriver.zip from winuae install dir\amiga programs
start AHI prefs and set all units to use UAE:16bit HIFI Stereo++
remove all #?-NotePlayer files from DeliGenies
except AHI-NotePlayer
copy "deli and dopus/deliplay.rexx" to rexx:
copy "deli and dopus/Audio file" to dopus5:filetypes/
reset emulation
Now, double clicking on mp3, mod or med files in DirOpus
automaticaly plays it with Deli and using the full power
of your PC audio card. You can also disable audio emulation
to gain speed in winuae.