84782 packages online
util/sys/muProtector.lha |
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Short: | MUIfied SetOwner/MProtect command for muFS |
Author: | "Allan Odgaard" Duff DK-Online.DK |
Uploader: | Allan Odgaard <Duff DK-Online DK> |
Type: | util/sys |
Version: | 1.2 (8-Jan-97) |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1997-01-10 |
Requires: | Kick 39+, 68020 or better, MUI 3.1+. |
Download: | util/sys/muProtector.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/sys/muProtector.readme |
Downloads: | 638 |
This is a MUIfied SetOwner & MProtect command (2 in 1) for
It is made with the intention that it should be used together with the new
and great DirectoryOpus V5.5, but you can use it however you want!
* Features:
o If you try to change the protection mask, or owner, of a file that you
doesn't own yourself, then you'll be prompted with a password requester,
where you can enter the needed password, or the roots :)
o It can recursively process a complete directory with subdirectories...
o Protection bits are set using a "Set" and a "Clear" mask.
o Has "Ok | All | Skip | Abort" gadgets for processing of multiple files.
o Uses MagicUserInterface. Unfortunatly not all think of this as a feature ;(
o You can set wether it should also change the owner of a file.
* Install:
Copy it to C:
It takes 3 CLI arguments:
The files you wish to process.
Set this if it should also protect the contents of directories.
(this can also be toggled via the menus)
Set this if it shouldn't change the owner of files.
(this can also be toggled via a checkmar)
Please give it a stack of atleast 8kb.
If you experience any problems, then raise it to 16kb.
If you still have problems then please contact me!
**** END OF WARNING! ****
* Usage:
It should be rather logical, however please notice the menus, and also the
context sensitive menus over the "Set" and "Clear" groups!
If you once enter the roots password, then it'll remember this one until it
* Author:
muProtector is mailware and was done by:
Snail: Allan Odgaard
Dagmarsgade 36
DK-2200 Copenhagen
eMail: Duff@DK-Online.DK
URL: http://www.DIKU.dk/students/duff/ <- Case sensitive!
* Bugs:
If you process the contents of a dir, then it won't prompt you for a password
when it fails to protect/change owner on a file, but instead just skip that
* ToDo:
Some proper amigaguide documentation...
* Thanks:
Thanks to the guy who mailed me a request for this program. Sorry I can't
find your letter, I'll be sure to mention your name in the next version.
Please email me if you have the possibility!
Contents of util/sys/muProtector.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 6349 14620 43.4% -lh5- 152c Jan 8 1997 muProtector/muProtector
[generic] 1285 2528 50.8% -lh5- e79b Jan 8 1997 muProtector/muProtector.ReadMe
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 7634 17148 44.5% Jan 9 1997
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