PhotoAlbum is an excellent shareware image cataloguer/browser by Helmut
Hoffmann, however one feature it lacks is the option to rename a
selected image. This little script can be assigned as PhotoAlbum's
External AREXX Command and will then pops up a requester allowing you to
rename an image at the press of a hot key (Right Amiga + X). One minor
limitation is that the PhotoAlbum display is not updated with the new
filename, as far as I know it is not possible to force PhotoAlbum to
refresh its display as it doesn't have an AREXX port.
* Rename a picture without leaving PhotoAlbum
* Won't let you overwrite an existing file.
* Opens on PhotoAlbum's public screen (if it is set to use one).
* Errrm, that's about it.
ReqTools.library and RexxReqTools.library.
Version History
1.2 (25th October 2003)
First public release.