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JoyOfRex V0.2
© 3/6/1999 Richard Munn / RAMTronics Software
lowlevel.library (is included as part of Workbench 3.1 and above)
a CD³² controller (although limited usage can be had with a standard joystick)
This is a simple little program that lets you assign rexx / AmigaDos commands
to buttons (or combinations of buttons) on a controller (joystick or CD³² pad)
connected to your Amiga
Suggested uses:
* Remote control for CD / MP3 player
* Remote control for Paloma TV Card
* Renote control for Scala scripts
Copy the JoyOfRexx program to your C: drawer, or anywhere else in your system's
[run <>NIL:] joyofrexx <configfilename>
The program can be quit by sending it a CtrlC, or by making it monitor the
existance of an Arexx port (see below)
The config file:
The easiest way to create a config file is to use the supplied get32code program.
You can paste the output of this to create a skeleton config file.
The file's format:
Most of the lines will consist of the following format:
C "$000008" "PORT" "COMMAND" "-1" ; comment
C means that this is a command line
$000008 is the hex code for the combination of keys pressed for this command
PORT here is where you enter the Arexx port of the app to control
COMMAND here is where you put the Arexx command to be executed
-1 put a delay time here (50ths of a second) This causes a delay after the command
; comment You can add a comment to the line to explain what the command does
You can also make the program monitor the existance of an Arexx port, and quit when it
This is done by adding the following line to the top of the config file:
Where PORT is the portname to monitor.
When parsing the config file, the first line that matches any of the buttons
currently pressed will be used. This means if you have two lines, one with red
pressed and one with red and blue pressed, make sure the red+blue line is above
the red line in the config file.
You can execute a normal AmigaDOS command by setting the PORT in a C line as
"COMMAND" and entering the command to execute in the COMMAND part (enclosed in
' quotes) e.g.
C "$000008" "COMMAND" "'SAY Up'" "-1" ; Up
Uses the WB2 Say command to say "UP" when you press up on the joypad (see
speakpad.config for a full example)
V0.1 - Initial test version designed as a remote for the Paloma TV Card software
V0.2 - Updated to allow it to work with any rexx commands
have fun!
Contents of util/rexx/joyofrexx.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 864 1636 52.8% -lh5- 286b Jan 1 1980 JoyOfRexx.info
[generic] 1224 2072 59.1% -lh5- 7621 Jan 1 1980 JoyOfRexx/Get32Code
[generic] 778 1161 67.0% -lh5- 6b5f Jan 1 1980 JoyOfRexx/Get32Code.info
[generic] 2482 4424 56.1% -lh5- fb71 Jan 1 1980 JoyOfRexx/JoyOfRexx
[generic] 778 1161 67.0% -lh5- eed2 Jan 1 1980 JoyOfRexx/JoyOfRexx.info
[generic] 1265 2579 49.1% -lh5- b3c6 Jan 1 1980 JoyOfRexx/JoyOfRexx.readme
[generic] 816 1369 59.6% -lh5- 978e Jan 1 1980 JoyOfRexx/JoyOfRexx.readme.info
[generic] 864 1636 52.8% -lh5- 252e Jan 1 1980 JoyOfRexx/SampleConfigs.info
[generic] 238 503 47.3% -lh5- 8c4a Jul 6 1994 JoyOfRexx/SampleConfigs/PalomaJoy.config
[generic] 177 531 33.3% -lh5- e64e Jul 6 1994 JoyOfRexx/SampleConfigs/speakpad.config
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 10 files 9486 17072 55.6% Nov 7 1999
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