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Short:Mounting ipf,dms,adf,hdf,iso
Author:Ya (yaya005 at
Uploader:Ya (yaya005 seznam cz)
Requires:AmigaOS 3.1+
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New in this version:

3.3.1 Fix little bug in read variable settings func.,
      Improvement Preferences editor.
      Add new function /mountalways/ for automaticaly creation
      mountfile in devs:dosdrivers. / Only for ADF, ISO and HDF images/
      Improvement instalation script.

3.3   Add simple prefs editor for easy settings variable
      value in isomount.cfg config file.
      Please, install Triton and TritonRexx.
      Add support for SmartFileSystem HDD images / SFS /.
      Add support for ProfessionalFileSystem HDD images /pfs3aio/.
      Fixed bug in testing dos.library version./ When
      add_tools_menu in config is set to 0, do not testing dos.lib/
      Add 'temppath' variable in to config file for relocating
      all temporary files.

3.2.2 Add testing minimal dos.library version for "Eject"
      Please, when do you have kick 3.1, 
      set value add_tools_menu = 0 in config file /ENV:isomount.cfg/.
      Add script for starting from workbench.
      Improvement instalation script.
      Next bugfixing, recognize file, when image is 
      localized in Ram Disk: and in subfolder.

3.2.1 From now Isomount has separate config file in ENV:,
      for easy user settings. /ENV:isomount.cfg/.
      Please, use install or installsoftware script or
      copy isomount.cfg in to your ENVarc and ENV directory.
      From now, Isomount recognize suffix existing in filename.
      Bugfixing, recognize file, when image is localized in Ram Disk:.
      Bugfixing, diskimage.device tempfile has correct
      name now.

      More info in guide documentation ...

Isomount   is an   ARexx script that makes possible to mount 
CD iso, HD img and/or floppy images in variable formats automatically.

Supported images:

 -amiga    adf - 880(ofs,ffs)
 -m$-dos   img - 360-2.88(fat12)
 -atari st st  - 800(fat12)
 -mac gs   ??  - 800(mfm)
 -cd       iso - every size including floppy specific
 -HD       img - every size and FFS, DOS or MAC format
 -Others    DMS,IPF - images /diskimage.device/

This script might be very useful to PC-Task users, so that u
do not need to make real boot-floppy and HD image all u have 
to do is to download one from somewhere,mount it and use.


Isomount  requires  some   things  to  work properly, iam sure
You already have most of them in Your SYS:, if  not go Aminet.

In order to use Isomount You need:

 -68000+/os3.1+, at least 512ko of memory.
 -RexxMast (system) running
 -rexxsupport.library in libs:
 -filedisk.device (included)
 -CrossDOSFileSystem 42.5+     - for m$-dos floppy images
 -CrossMACFileSystem - for mac GS 800 ko floppies
 -CacheCDFS 113.20    - for CD-ROM iso images
 -diskimage.device 52.35
 -capsimage.device 4.2 /for IPF/

 -mount,rx - commands in C: or in path

and of course some disk/iso images.

1.   Copy  isomount  preferably to Your C: directory  and make sure
     it has script bit [flag] active.
     [protect c:isomount add s].

2.  Copy filedisk.device from archive in to DEVS: folder on sys. disk.

3.  When your REXXMAST server not stabile running, copy rexxmast from 
    your sys:system/rexxmast directory in to sys:wbstartup.
4.  Create asociation`s in Deficons tool 
    [ sys:prefs/deficons  OS 3.5, 3.9, 3.2+ ] for all types 
    supported image`s.
    Note: 1. In older version OS [ 3.1 ] is Deficons tool not presented.
          You must create icon`s for every single image file separately.
          2. Icon`s must be Project type with Default tool set on 
    to Isomount [with path] and first tooltype must be SHELL or CLI.

When you have all this correct set, 
you have mouting functionality for all supported 
files on one douleclick !!!!!!!

- usage from shell:

template: isomount <filename>[,devname][,manmode]

          [,manmode] is a number of 'devtype.', see this
          file with text viewer or editor in order to get the range.
          remember that 0 is always iso, the reason why this option
          exists is that u may have iso image that has exactly same
          size like one of the supported floppy images.

          NOTE: u can still ommit [,devname] like this,
                'isomount ../games/cdimageofsomething.iso,,0'


RamDisk:> isomount hd2:debian_woody.iso
-this   will    mount   debian installation disc as SCD0:,
if  You  type  above  line  again  then  the  debian   iso 
will be mounted again but this time as SCD1:.

RamDisk:> isomount miniamitcp.adf,MINI:
-custom dev name

RamDisk:>isomount `requestfile`
-and now select your imege file via filerequester.


Contents of util/rexx/isomount.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown]                 1749    2668  65.6% -lh5- 3dca Sep 12  2005 isomount33/filedisk.device
[unknown]                 2739    6124  44.7% -lh5- 7bff Apr 20 16:02 isomount33/iconstemp/
[unknown]                  786    2505  31.4% -lh5- ac25 Jun  8 07:35 isomount33/install
[unknown]                  335     677  49.5% -lh5- 55f4 Jul 10 23:59 isomount33/
[unknown]                 2295    7846  29.3% -lh5- 23b6 Jul 12 10:06 isomount33/Installsoftware
[unknown]                 2297    7846  29.3% -lh5- b8e6 Jul 11 15:53 isomount33/Installsoftware.bak
[unknown]                 1807    2278  79.3% -lh5- d2b9 Jul 10 23:59 isomount33/
[unknown]                  372     804  46.3% -lh5- a814 Jul 10 23:59 isomount33/isomount.cfg
[unknown]                 1487    1893  78.6% -lh5- 0405 Jul 10 23:59 isomount33/
[unknown]                 1196    1696  70.5% -lh5- f0c6 Jun 15 14:52 isomount33/
[unknown]                 2314    4967  46.6% -lh5- 8749 Jul 11 07:49 isomount33/isomount.readme
[unknown]                 4266   22237  19.2% -lh5- 7f87 Jul 10 21:59 isomount33/Isomountprefs
[unknown]                 2526    5692  44.4% -lh5- ab1f Jul 10 23:59 isomount33/
[unknown]                  254     423  60.0% -lh5- 5026 Jun 17 22:23 isomount33/IsomountRun
[unknown]                 1209    1713  70.6% -lh5- bc46 Jul 10 23:59 isomount33/
[unknown]                 1510    1798  84.0% -lh5- 3378 Apr 20 16:03 isomount33/iconstemp/
[unknown]                  818    1059  77.2% -lh5- a08c Apr 20 16:03 isomount33/iconstemp/
[unknown]                 5717   20106  28.4% -lh5- c271 Jul 11 07:51 isomount33/isomount
[unknown]                 6896   21408  32.2% -lh5- e867 Jul 11 14:54 isomount33/
[unknown]                 1814    2751  65.9% -lh5- 6112 Jul 10 23:59 isomount33/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        20 files   42387  116491  36.4%            Jul 12 23:00

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