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Short:Script to create AmiNet style index files
Author: ehb at (Edwin H. Bielawski)
Uploader:ehb draco prima ruhr de (Edwin H Bielawski)
Download:util/rexx/getlocalindex.lha - View contents

Replaces: util/rexx/getlocalindex.lha
Requires: ARexx
Version:  0.3

** $VER: GetLocalIndex.rx 0.3 (1.4.96)
** ARexx script to create aminet style index files
** To use this script, change the following 4 variables to your
** own settings: MainDir, HostAddress, LocalFile, RecentFile.
** This script requires rexxsupport.library to run.
** Written by Edwin H. Bielawski (
** Status: FREEWARE

Changes since 0.2:

- now creates RECENT files too
- Bug fix: auto fast mode in 0.2 ignores file age

Changes since 0.1:

- Faster
- Bug fix: file sizes > 1M was wrong

Example output:

| Local Aminet index on 31 Jan 1996
| The list is sorted by directory and file name
| This site is [].
| Age measured in weeks before creation of this index.
|File              Dir        Size Age Description
|----------------- ---        ---- --- -----------
ApplyDiffs1_2.lha  biz/dbase   22K   6 ApplyDiffs for IMDB-Diffs
imdb-951110-1.lha  biz/dbase 11.7M   6 Datafiles for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdb-951110-2.lha  biz/dbase  7.3M   6 Datafiles for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdb-951110-3.lha  biz/dbase  3.4M   6 Datafiles for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdb3_1a_bin.lha   biz/dbase   77K   6 The Internet MovieDatabase Amiga
imdbDiff950922.lha biz/dbase  1.2M   6 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff950929.lha biz/dbase  1.1M   6 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff951006.lha biz/dbase  869K   6 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff951013.lha biz/dbase  670K   6 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff951020.lha biz/dbase  1.2M   6 Diffs & Bugfix for the IMDB
imdbDiff951027.lha biz/dbase  869K   6 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff951103.lha biz/dbase  838K   6 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff951110.lha biz/dbase  929K   6 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff951117.lha biz/dbase 1007K   6 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff951124.lha biz/dbase  715K   6 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff951201.lha biz/dbase  990K   6 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff951208.lha biz/dbase  921K   6 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff951215.lha biz/dbase  724K   5 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff951222.lha biz/dbase  704K   4 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff951229.lha biz/dbase  968K   3 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff960105.lha biz/dbase  1.8M   2 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff960112.lha biz/dbase  1.4M   1 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff960119.lha biz/dbase  1.3M   0 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
ds11.lha           biz/patch   45K   3 DataStore 1.1 Free Update
ds1r2.lha          biz/patch   88K   3 DataStore 1.0 Release 2 Update
ds1r3.lha          biz/patch   20K   3 DataStore 1.0r3 Free update
adsextract_10.lha  comm/cnet   16K   6 Xtract "short:" comment from .readmes and .ads files
CList082.lha       comm/cnet   11K   6 CList V0.82 The ultimate CNet3 filelister
maildemon4_2.lha   comm/mail   90K   1 Very powerful mailerdaemon & autoposter
MetaTool.lha       comm/mail  102K   6 The Amiga MIME Mailer (40.4)
rmail.lha          comm/mail   18K   6 Rmail replacement for AmiTCP smtpd
FTPMaker.lha       comm/misc   40K   0 Help you to configure your ftpaccess file!
AmiPOP118.lha      comm/net    97K   6 Amiga POP3 Client V1.18
patchkeymap.lha    comm/net    253   1 Patch keymap library, use AWEB on OS3.0
pong11.lha         comm/net     5K   6 Network host monitor
socket_lib10a.lha  comm/net    17K   6 AS225R2 compatible socket library for AmiTCP
WWWCache.lha       comm/net     7K   6 Great Arexx script for caching images and html documents in AMosaic
mNews0_1.lha       comm/news   29K   6 MUI news group reader for AmiTCP. V0.1
AmiConBP2.lha      comm/tcp   202K   6 A Configuration Program For AmiTCP With Dialler
AmiFTP.lha         comm/tcp   206K   5 AmiTCP/AS225 FTP-client v1.0 (ClassAct GUI)
as.lha             comm/tcp     4K   5 ADTrc Site Checker v1.0  by PirlAGA
httpproxy.lha      comm/tcp   102K   2 Caching Proxy V0.11beta for any Web-Browser
IdentD1_2.lha      comm/tcp    11K   2 RFC 1413 Authentication Daemon for AmiTCP/IP 4.x
mftp1_31.lha       comm/tcp   150K   6 Mftp 1.31, ftp client which uses MUI
MuFS_Telnetd.lha   comm/tcp   138K   6 MultiUser Compatible Telnet Daemon (derived from telnetd2.0)
netecho.lha        comm/tcp     3K   6 Netecho checks if a host is available.
SLIPCall30b1.lha   comm/tcp    35K   6 Dialer for AmiTCP. Supports dynamic IP. V3.0b1
telser130.lha      comm/tcp   190K   3 Serial telnet(d) device for AmiTCP/AS225r2
D68k20.lha         dev/asm     43K   6 Very fast MC68040/881/851 Disassembler
ixemul4103-bin.lha dev/gcc    1.9M   6 IXemul.library 41.3
ixprefs1.2.lha     dev/gcc     51K   6 Ixemul 41.0-41.1 GUI/CLI config program
mui31dev.lha       dev/gui    574K   6 MagicUserInterface V3.1, developer files
mui31usr.lha       dev/gui    771K   6 MagicUserInterface V3.1, user files
Archive.lha        disk/bakup   3K   6 File backup utility v1.5 (german docs only)
DiskSalv11_32.lha  disk/salv  118K   6 Dave Haynie's DiskSalv version 11.32
anetfaq.lzh        docs/help   75K   6 Amiga Networking FAQ
AMIL_1138.lha      docs/hyper  69K   5 Amiga Main Internet List -1138-
html30gu.lha       docs/hyper  98K   6 Complete HTML 3.0 reference in AmigaGuide !
Aminet-CD-8.lha    docs/lists  80K   6 Aminet CD 8 index and description
Aminet-CD-9.lha    docs/lists  78K   6 Aminet CD 9 index and description
AMFAQ104H.lha      docs/misc  175K   6 HTML FAQ for all vers of AMosaic
Mon1438Hack.lha    docs/misc   17K   6 How to Hack monitor drivers to get even further resolution
gif_io.lha         gfx/conv     9K   4 Personal GIF I/O Library v. 3.0
gs353bin.lha       gfx/show   1.6M   1 Ghostscript3.53 binaries (installed)
MPEGIntuition.lha  gfx/show   107K   6 GUI for MP(1.03) & Amipeg(0.4)
AmiWin222dUpd.lha  gfx/x11    391K   3 Patch from AmiWin 2.16demo to 2.22
atomuhr12.lha      hard/hack   26K   3 AtomUhr V1.2 - DCF77 Receiver
flm2152r.lha       misc/misc  137K   4 FLM version for registered users
Assist17.lha       text/hyper 280K   6 The best hypertext based guiding system!
AssistPrefs.lha    text/hyper  55K   6 AssistPreferenced external module
HTML-Heaven.lha    text/hyper 316K   6 Add HTML command-editing to editor. v1.2
WebMaker1_0.lha    text/hyper  72K   5 HTML Pages Maker (using MUI3.x and OS3.x)
Day2Day.lha        util/cli    10K   6 Calculates days between two dates. V1.0
translator42.lha   util/libs   80K   6 Multilingual translator lib replacement
fsearch.lha        util/sys     3K   6 Ultra fast text search utility

Contents of util/rexx/getlocalindex.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 2776    6927  40.1% -lh5- 8dbb Apr  1  1996 getlocalindex.readme
[generic]                 2012    9195  21.9% -lh5- e4e1 Apr  1  1996 GetLocalIndex.rx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         2 files    4788   16122  29.7%            Apr  2  1996
Page generated in 0.02 seconds
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