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Recent-Document Requestor v2.4 for
Final Calc, Final Writer, ProVector, PageStream v3.1, and GoldEd
This emailware/postcardware package consists primarily of:
RecentDocsListerO.rexx -
Will generate a list of recently-opened documents when used in
conjunction with the "Open" icon in Final Calc or Final Writer, or when
used in conjuction with an "Open" macro in ProVector,PageStream, or
RecentDocsListerS.rexx -
Will generate a list of recently-opened documents when used in
conjunction with the "Save" icon in Final Calc or Final Writer, or when
used in conjuction with a "Save" macro in ProVector, PageStream, or
RecentDocsRequestor.rexx -
Brings up a requestor allowing you to choose from your recently-opened
Final Calc, Final Writer, ProVector, PageStream, or GoldEd docs. The most
recently opened documents will be at the top of the list. Also allows
deletion of docs from the recent-docs list.
v2.4 - Selecting the Open gadget in the recent-docs requestor without having
a file selected will now bring up the standard open-file requestor
instead of exiting.
v2.3 - Added support for GoldEd. I use the unregistered v3.1.3.
v2.2b - Macros can now be located anywhere, not just in REXX:. If the
locations are changed, remember to modify the the buttons and
macros used to call the RecentDocs macros.
v2.2a - Utility for forcing Final Calc's screen to be public instead of
private included (see details for installing TruePub by Timo
Kaikumaa in the Final Calc installation instructions).
Utility for forcing windows to open on the front-most public screen
included (see details for installing FrontPub by Gunther Nikl in
the installation instructions).
Code for redefining public screen (see v2.1 above) removed.
Allows even more flexibility in changing names of macros.
v2.2 - The recent-docs requestor now has a Delete function to delete files
from the list. Note that this only deletes files from the recent-
docs list and not from your drive! Thanks to Achim Klopsch for
this suggestion!
The macros can now be renamed, following certain limitations (see
installation). Thanks again to Achim Klopsch!
v2.1 - Can be used with Final Calc, Final Writer, ProVector, and PageStream.
Now requires rexxreqtools.library in addition to rexxtricks.library.
Temporarily redefines the current public screen to encourage
requestors to open on the appropriate screens. I didn't run into
this problem, but Heiko Schröder did and offered a correction for
it. Thanks Heiko! Note that FinalCalc does not open on a public
screen and therefore will not allow requestors to open on its
Location of macros has changed; they are now stored in REXX: to allow
having a single copy of the macros available for use by all
programs. This requires changes to previously modified Final Calc
buttons and user.menu as well as to Final Writer Button Strips and
User Menus. If this is not your first installation, make sure you
read the installation instructions for each application!
v2.0 - Can be used with both Final Calc and Final Writer.
Now uses rexxtricks.library.
Adds both saved and opened files to the recent-docs list.
Format of recent-docs list changed; remove any RecentDocs.txt files
created with v1.0.
v1.0 - First release.
Ron Goertz
223 NW Clay Ct
Pullman WA 99163
Contents of util/rexx/RecentDocs.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 353 735 48.0% -lh5- 29dc Jun 18 1997 RecentDocs.info
[generic] 351 735 47.8% -lh5- 538c Jun 18 1997 RecentDocs/FinalCalc.info
[generic] 197 502 39.2% -lh5- 42e3 Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/align_center.info
[generic] 195 500 39.0% -lh5- 3aad Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/align_left.info
[generic] 205 501 40.9% -lh5- 509b Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/align_right.info
[generic] 193 496 38.9% -lh5- a67b Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/border_double.info
[generic] 189 496 38.1% -lh5- 90ed Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/border_single.info
[generic] 249 486 51.2% -lh5- a3da Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/clip_copy.info
[generic] 217 485 44.7% -lh5- d932 Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/clip_cut.info
[generic] 221 488 45.3% -lh5- 2fc8 Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/clip_paste.info
[generic] 239 493 48.5% -lh5- 28b8 Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/fill.info
[generic] 221 491 45.0% -lh5- 4f25 Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/font.info
[generic] 209 500 41.8% -lh5- e110 Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/format_bold.info
[generic] 214 502 42.6% -lh5- 6151 Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/format_italic.info
[generic] 203 502 40.4% -lh5- c6f9 Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/format_normal.info
[generic] 207 503 41.2% -lh5- bc2f Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/format_reverse.info
[generic] 216 502 43.0% -lh5- 23e1 Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/format_shaded.info
[generic] 203 505 40.2% -lh5- b672 Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/format_underline.info
[generic] 205 496 41.3% -lh5- bbab Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/function.info
[generic] 179 487 36.8% -lh5- 533c Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/grid.info
[generic] 231 497 46.5% -lh5- c6e3 Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/line_clear_all.info
[generic] 265 495 53.5% -lh5- 4353 Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/list_projects.info
[generic] 288 493 58.4% -lh5- e2e9 Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/list_sheets.info
[generic] 217 491 44.2% -lh5- 1ce7 Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/new.info
[generic] 313 654 47.9% -lh5- c6e5 Jun 17 1997 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/open.info
[generic] 235 508 46.3% -lh5- bbf3 Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/print.info
[generic] 248 623 39.8% -lh5- 5cba Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/redo.info
[generic] 275 518 53.1% -lh5- 770a Jun 17 1997 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/save.info
[generic] 232 504 46.0% -lh5- 9cea Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/sum.info
[generic] 240 623 38.5% -lh5- c837 Sep 27 1996 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/undo.info
[generic] 211 517 40.8% -lh5- c4a3 Oct 14 1992 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/PanelIcons/width_biggest.info
[generic] 119 190 62.6% -lh5- 1860 Jun 17 1997 RecentDocs/FinalCalc/user.menus
[generic] 11358 11358 100.0% -lh0- 97ce Jun 24 1997 RecentDocs/FrontPub11.lha
[generic] 357 735 48.6% -lh5- ea4d Jun 26 1997 RecentDocs/GoldEd.info
[generic] 3353 12367 27.1% -lh5- db91 Jun 26 1997 RecentDocs/GoldEd/RecentDocs.men
[generic] 5699 18698 30.5% -lh5- fc5d Jul 7 1997 RecentDocs/RecentDocs.guide
[generic] 1177 1677 70.2% -lh5- 66be Jun 13 1997 RecentDocs/RecentDocs.guide.info
[generic] 352 735 47.9% -lh5- 7a9e Jun 18 1997 RecentDocs/REXX.info
[generic] 720 1565 46.0% -lh5- feaa Jul 7 1997 RecentDocs/REXX/RecentDocsListerO.rexx
[generic] 870 2142 40.6% -lh5- d935 Jul 7 1997 RecentDocs/REXX/RecentDocsListerS.rexx
[generic] 889 2193 40.5% -lh5- 3883 Jul 7 1997 RecentDocs/REXX/RecentDocsRequestor.rexx
[generic] 14164 14164 100.0% -lh0- 8d03 Jun 24 1997 RecentDocs/TruePub.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 42 files 46279 82152 56.3% Jul 9 1997
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