84782 packages online
util/rexx/DSMiscRexxVol2.lha |
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This is a small collection of some more of my attempts at bashing out
ARexx scripts for the excellent Drawstudio. They don't do anything
particularly fancy, and the interface is a bit naff, but I think they'll
be valuable learning material... even if it does mean that you learn how
NOT to write an ARexx script!
IMPORTANT! Some of these scripts require rexxmathlib.library (available
from Aminet sites at util/rexx/RexxMathLib.lha or on Aminet CD 16).
Additionally, you will also require a macro recorder/player program such
as Oliver Grimm's excellent Recorder (which you can get from Aminet
under util/cli/recorder.lha or from Aminet CD 13). Recorder is required
to work around some of the limitations in DrawStudio's otherwise
excellent and comprehensive ARexx command set.
* NewFlash - Slightly modified version of the original flash effect (as
seen in Volume one) to give an almost Christmassy look
(because we're all thinking of Christmas in the middle of
July, right ?). Anyway try it and see.
* Grid - Three times winner of the "most boring ARexx script of the
year" contest, this script simply draws a grid. Nah. You
don't say!
* FontList - After not being able to track down a decent font preview
printing program for PostScript fonts, I wrote this. Decent
it ain't, but it gets the job done!
* NewPie - Tweaked version of the original (and rather awful) attempt
at making pie charts. Granted, this one is still pretty
crappy, but at least it looks a bit more circular!
* Spiral - Draw them snails with ease with you're very own spiral
drawing script! This probably got an honourable mention in
the boring ARexx script contest.
Oh, and if you don't already have DrawStudio and just happen to be
browsing at this ReadMe file for no apparent reason, the go out and buy
it now! Seriously, we don't often get new commercial talent in these
hard times, so please give the demo a try or something and support new
Amiga development.
Andrew Elia
Contents of util/rexx/DSMiscRexxVol2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 447 900 49.7% -lh5- 5b8d Jul 19 1997 DSMiscRexxVol2.info
[generic] 5738 13908 41.3% -lh5- 4dd4 Jul 19 1997 DSMiscRexxVol2/DSMiscRexxVol2.Guide
[generic] 386 960 40.2% -lh5- 5827 Jul 19 1997 DSMiscRexxVol2/DSMiscRexxVol2.Guide.info
[generic] 1691 4245 39.8% -lh5- 0d2a Jul 19 1997 DSMiscRexxVol2/FontList.dsrx
[generic] 10823 45128 24.0% -lh5- bff8 Jul 13 1997 DSMiscRexxVol2/FontListDemo.IFF
[generic] 680 1240 54.8% -lh5- d354 Jul 19 1997 DSMiscRexxVol2/FontListDemo.IFF.info
[generic] 1018 2887 35.3% -lh5- 0296 Jul 17 1997 DSMiscRexxVol2/Grid.dsrx
[generic] 22096 61656 35.8% -lh5- 64eb Apr 19 1997 DSMiscRexxVol2/GridDemo.IFF
[generic] 683 1240 55.1% -lh5- 3300 Jul 19 1997 DSMiscRexxVol2/GridDemo.IFF.info
[generic] 1185 3162 37.5% -lh5- 3cd9 Jul 19 1997 DSMiscRexxVol2/NewFlash.dsrx
[generic] 170300 224466 75.9% -lh5- 7dc3 Jul 13 1997 DSMiscRexxVol2/NewFlashDemo.IFF
[generic] 685 1240 55.2% -lh5- 18a1 Jul 19 1997 DSMiscRexxVol2/NewFlashDemo.IFF.info
[generic] 1742 4618 37.7% -lh5- 7384 Jul 17 1997 DSMiscRexxVol2/NewPie.dsrx
[generic] 215325 230844 93.3% -lh5- d0f8 Jul 13 1997 DSMiscRexxVol2/NewPieDemo.IFF
[generic] 684 1240 55.2% -lh5- 4132 Jul 19 1997 DSMiscRexxVol2/NewPieDemo.IFF.info
[generic] 1487 3856 38.6% -lh5- dae8 Jul 19 1997 DSMiscRexxVol2/Spiral.dsrx
[generic] 59971 90306 66.4% -lh5- 13fa Jul 13 1997 DSMiscRexxVol2/SpiralDemo.IFF
[generic] 682 1240 55.0% -lh5- cdfa Jul 19 1997 DSMiscRexxVol2/SpiralDemo.IFF.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 18 files 495623 693136 71.5% Jul 23 1997
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