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Short: | YAMM - Monitors mem levels, can give warnings (was MemMon) |
Author: | simon gadge.u-net.com (Simon Hitchen) |
Uploader: | simon gadge u-net com (Simon Hitchen) |
Type: | util/moni |
Version: | 1.95 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1999-05-16 |
Download: | util/moni/YAMM.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/moni/YAMM.readme |
Downloads: | 676 |
# #
# YAMM(tm) = Yet Another Memory Monitor :) ©1999 Gadge Software #
# #
# www.gadge.u-net.com simon@gadge.u-net.com #
# #
A program which displays how much chip/fast mem is available and can
display totals and largest blocks. It can also give warnings when any
of the memory levels falls below the definable settings. The warning
can either be a change in the text display colour in YAMM's window or a
beep screen warning if the window is not able to open on the frontmost
YAMM can also be set to follow you to the frontmost screen (if public)
as you flip between different screens. It will "remember" the X and Y
screen positions on up to 20 different screens in any one session.
It can also be "hidden" and will re-appear if a warning needs to be
Fully controllable with user-defined hotkey combinations or with a
commodity exchange program.
Descriptions of all the tooltypes follow.
### Now 4K smaller (three cheers for optimisation! hip-hip..... ) ###
Special thanks for beta testing and putting up with the odd "strange
behaviour" from YAMM (MemMon) in its previous incarnations to:
Frank Mathieson - frank@massin.freeserve.co.uk
Pam - pam@mythos.u-net.com
Andy Silman - andy@orion27.freeserve.co.uk
Paul Dixon - pauldix@valerie.u-net.com
Fourteen tooltypes to mess around with:
(if any of the tooltypes can't be found, the following values are
the default settings)
1) CHIPLEVEL=256 (measured in K) If chip mem gets lower than this
level, a warning can be given.
2) FASTLEVEL=1024 (measured in K) If fast mem gets lower than this
level a warning can be given.
3) SECONDS=1 Time between updates/warnings.
4) BEEPCOUNT=2 How many times the screen may be beeped as a warning
that one of the levels has fallen below the warning level.
5) DEFAULTX=20 Default X screen position for the window.
6) DEFAULTY=20 Default Y screen position for the window.
7) TOGGLEKEYS=lalt t User definable hotkey combination to hide or
show the window.
See "Hotkey Notes" later.
8) PUPPYMODE=Stay (can be Stay or Heel or S or H) Selects if YAMM
will stay on the current screen or try to follow you onto the
frontmost screen if possible.
9) PUPPYKEYS=lalt h User definable hotkey combination to toggle
the current PUPPYMODE between Heel or Stay.
See "Hotkey Notes" later.
10) STARTSCREEN=Workbench Select which public screen YAMM should
start up on. If the named screen is not available or the field
is blank, YAMM will try to open on the frontmost screen or the
default public screen.
Useful in combination with PUPPYMODE=Stay to open YAMM on a named
screen that may not be at the front of the display.
11) SIZEKEYS=lalt s User definable hotkey combination to toggle
the size of the window between Big and Little.
See "Hotkey Notes" later.
12) STARTSIZE=Big (can be Big or Little or B or L) Selects the
size of YAMM's window on startup.
13) STARTDELAY=0 Selects a delay (in seconds) before YAMM attempts
to open it's window on startup.
14) CLOCKMODE=24 (can be set to 24 or 12 or 0) Might as well have
some useful info in the window title bar :-)
Shows the current time in YAMM's window as a 12 or 24 hr clock
or 0=no clock.
Two gadgets to press:
[ ] Snooze
Same as pressing the TOGGLEKEYS hotkeys. Hides the window.
[ Heel ] or [ Stay ]
Same as pressing the PUPPYMODE hotkeys. Cycle between Heel/Stay mode.
Hotkey notes:
To choose different hotkey combinations from the default ones (maybe
because of clashes with other programs having the same ones set) you
should choose a qualifier key and an individual key for each.
Qualifier keys should be either:
lalt ralt lamiga ramiga lshift rshift ctrl
Individual keys can be any other key on the keyboard including small
case letters, numbers and Fkeys eg:
lalt F1 ctrl 6 rshift z (or anything else you want really)
If any of the hotkey combinations are set to the same keys as one of
YAMM's other ones, they will all revert to the default settings.
A bit more info:
You can also control YAMM with a commodity exchange program eg:
Workbench:Tools/Commodities/Exchange or CxPx etc.
The Hide Interface, Show Interface and Remove buttons can be used to
control YAMM.
The program requires the "Xen.font" size 8, for use in it's window
display (everyone has this font - probably :-)
The program adjusts it's window height to take into account the font
size used in the window titles.
YAMM can't be run if another copy is currently running.
Contents of util/moni/YAMM.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 416 799 52.1% -lh5- 51f5 Apr 18 1999 YAMM/YAMM.info
[generic] 2215 5620 39.4% -lh5- 3246 May 11 1999 YAMM/YAMM.readme
[generic] 515 1396 36.9% -lh5- ba7f Feb 3 1999 YAMM/YAMM.readme.info
[generic] 856 1636 52.3% -lh5- eab8 May 11 1999 YAMM.info
[generic] 18877 19352 97.5% -lh5- e461 May 12 1999 yamm/YAMM
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 22879 28803 79.4% May 15 1999
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