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With so many types of accelerator cards available for the A1200 and with the fact that
some cards have on them a partially working MMU which fools most system monitors into
thinking that you have a full MMU it has been felt the need to create a program which
can fully check if your CPU has a full working MMU or not. This program unlike many
system monitors bases its conclusions not on detecting the presence of an MMU but on
verifying that the MMU is really doing its job, i.e., translatting memory locations
according to its MMU table. Thus if this program tells you that you have an MMU then
you can be 100% sure that you really have an MMU.
Copy the executable called CheckMMU to your C: directory. You also need to have either
the command CPU (If you have a 68030 CPU) or the command SET040 (IF you have a 68040 CPU)
in your C: directory too. The former is included on Workbench 3.0 or above while the latter
can be obtained from the Aminet.
Running CheckMMU
To run the program and check your MMU you need to open a newshell window and depending on
the type of CPU entering the following 2 lines and pressing <RETURN> after each line;
For 68030 machines:
CPU fastrom
For 68040 machines:
SET040 fastrom
Important note for 68040 machines:
Since Setpatch will load the 68040.library on these machines which makes use of the MMU, it
is advisable to try this program before issuing Setpatch as the 68040.library may interfere
with the use of the MMU.
How the program works
The first line will copy your Kickstart rom into ram, will create the necessary MMU tables and
will activate the MMU so that it starts translatting a part of your ram into the rom memory
location. The second line will scan your computer`s memory areas to find the location of the ram
which is being translated into rom and will then try to write to that ram and read the written
bytes from the rom. If the rom area reflects the ram area then it means that the MMU is really
doing its job and thus prints so to the user.
The program will detect all memory areas that you may have in your computer as long as they are
active. This includes all autoconfiguring ram and also those ram boards which are made active by
running a patch file. Chip ram is also scanned as well as 32-Bit Fast Ram.
This program is FREEWARE so that you can copy it as much as you like as long as the archive remains
intact. If you can send me an E-Mail or Postcard of your country to let me know if you found the
program usefull I will greatly appreciate it.
If you want to contact the author you can contact him on:
S-Mail: Ercole Spiteri
`Villa Loreto`, Bishop Buttigieg Street,
Gozo, Malta, Europe
GSM 103
E-Mail: ercole@maltanet.omnes.net
Voice Phone: +(356) 554929
BBS: +(356) 564184
Contents of util/moni/CheckMMU.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 576 1004 57.4% -lh5- edfc Sep 19 1991 CheckMMU
[generic] 1472 3177 46.3% -lh5- 6f3a Jul 18 1996 CheckMMU.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 2048 4181 49.0% Jul 18 1996
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