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This is a simple utility for WinUAE ( http://www.winuae.net ) that allows
you to launch Windows programs from within WinUAE. One possible use of this
is setting up programs such as email and news clients to launch URLs under
your Windows browser when you double click on them.
- Copy winlaunch to c: on the Amiga side (or somewhere in your path).
- Copy winlaunch.alib into a drawer named 'winuae_dll' (create it if it does
not exist) in your WinUAE folder on the Windows side (eg,
Additional Files In The Archive
- gotoURL.rx : A replacement ARexx script for programs such as YAM
(rename to 'GotoURL.yam') and NewsCoaster to make URLs open under Windows
when you doubleclick on them.
- The source, along with some documentation which hopefully helps to explain
how to use WinUAE's native interface :)
Run with:
winlaunch command
To launch 'command' under Windows. For example:
winlaunch notepad
winlaunch http://www.amiga.com
Or more generally:
winlaunch [/FLAG] command [parm1 [parm2 [ ... ] ] ]
I.e., you can list as many parameters as you like to be passed to the Windows
An optional FLAG may be passed as follows:
This flag will be passed as the "nShowCmd" argument to the "ShellExecute"
function under Windows. See
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb762153(VS.85).aspx for details. The
default is SW_SHOWNORMAL.
For example:
winlaunch /SW_SHOWNA notepad
To launch notepad in the background, without minimizing WinUAE (note that this
doesn't seem to work with all Windows applications - some will always force
their window to the front, and minimize WinUAE).
One might think that one use of this would be to launch/view files with
Windows programs (eg, viewing a movie or editing an image). But
unfortunately there is the problem that the paths used by Windows and
AmigaOS-under-WinUAE are different; you have to give the Windows path for
any filenames given as parameters. And indeed, if you are using a hardfile
rather than a Windows directories under WinUAE, then there's no way that
the file can be accessed at all.
As a result, the usefulness of the utility is limited, but hopefully some
might fine it useful :)
Version 1.1 (2009/01/31)
ADDED "FLAG" option.
Version 1.0 (2003/06/24)
First release.
Other Information
This has been tested on WinUAE 0.8.22r7, running with Windows 2000 and XP,and
AmigaOS 3.9. Please send bug reports, suggestions etc to me at mark dot harman
at ntlworld dot com. If it fails to work, please tell me what command(s) you
were trying, what text it outputted, along with details of your system.
WinLaunch was compiled using StormC 3 and Borland C++ 4.
31 January 2009
Contents of util/misc/winlaunch.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 128 148 86.5% -lh5- 4c6c Feb 2 11:16 WinLaunch/gotoURL.rx
[generic] 149 800 18.6% -lh5- d932 Feb 2 11:16 WinLaunch/src/asm_funcs.s
[generic] 1446 4506 32.1% -lh5- 6b95 Feb 2 11:16 WinLaunch/src/winlaunch.bpr
[generic] 1076 4584 23.5% -lh5- 887f Feb 2 11:16 WinLaunch/src/winlaunch.cpp
[generic] 1577 5150 30.6% -lh5- dcd3 Feb 2 11:16 WinLaunch/src/winlaunch_ami.cpp
[generic] 535 1333 40.1% -lh5- b27c Feb 2 11:16 WinLaunch/src/winlaunch_ami.ΒΆ
[generic] 223 547 40.8% -lh5- 21ba Feb 2 11:16 WinLaunch/src/winlaunch_shared.h
[generic] 958 1984 48.3% -lh5- e817 Feb 2 11:16 WinLaunch/src/winlaunchsrc.txt
[generic] 654 1668 39.2% -lh5- 66a5 Feb 2 11:16 WinLaunch/src/winuaesupport.h
[generic] 13182 27760 47.5% -lh5- 0739 Feb 2 11:16 WinLaunch/winlaunch
[generic] 24935 48640 51.3% -lh5- c118 Feb 2 11:16 WinLaunch/winlaunch.alib
[generic] 1652 3352 49.3% -lh5- 00b3 Feb 2 11:16 WinLaunch/winlaunch.readme
[generic] 851 956 89.0% -lh5- ee3d Feb 2 11:16 WinLaunch/winlaunch.readme.info
[generic] 1361 1694 80.3% -lh5- bd9c Feb 2 11:16 WinLaunch.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 14 files 48727 103122 47.3% Feb 2 21:41
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