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Set040 V2.41 (release)
68040 MMU Mapping & Cache Control
Copyright (C) 1992 - 1993 Nic Wilson Software
All Rights Reserved
Freely distributable - Shareware
Program options:
FASTROM - Remaps the current ROM or KICKROM kickstart to FAST RAM
with a default configuration of CACHE NOZCACHE COPYBACK.
NOFASTROM - Removes a FASTROM setup. (Not valid for KICKROM-FASTROM).
KICKROM path|DFx: - Loads and remaps a kickstart to CHIP RAM then reboots
into the new kickstart. If not specified then a default
path/name of DEVS:kickstart will be used.
MAPROM - Maps a new kickstart on the A3640 card or A4000
FULLMAP - Maps the entire 4 Gigabyte space (See Docs).
FORCE - Forces a KICKROM when KICKROM already installed.
[NO]REVERSE - Allocate memory from the end (REVERSE) or beginning
(NOREVERSE) of the memory map. Default is REVERSE.
[NO]DCACHE - Enable or disable the Data Cache.
[NO]ICACHE - Enable or disable the Instruction Cache.
[NO]CACHE - Enable or disable both the Instruction & Data Caches.
[NO]ZCACHE - Enable or disable caching of the ZorroII memory area.
[NO]COPYBACK - Enable or disable Copyback globally.
[NO]ATCCBACK - Enable or disable Copyback for ATC Addresses.
[NO]DTT1CBACK - Enable or disable Copyback for DTT1 Addresses.
[NO]DTT0CBACK - Enable or disable Copyback for DTT0 Addresses.
[NO]RESET - Install or remove the survive-reset handler
NOCLICK - Stop the floppy drive(s) clicking.
NOTITLE - Do not change the Workbench title.
NOLOCAL - Try this if Set040 states it cannot get LOCAL memory.
TOGGLECPU - Toggle the 030 & 040 modes on a PP&S 68040 card.
WINDOW - Opens a GUI (Not yet implemented.)
VERBOSE - Verbose listing of current settings.
HELP or ? - You're reading it. Need More? Please read the docs.
----This program was Created by :
Nic Wilson (Australian Developer)
CBMNET nicw@wilson.adsp.sub.org
"And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to
give every man according as his work shall be." REV 22:12
---- I only uploaded it for him!
Contents of util/misc/set040.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 15517 42793 36.3% -lh5- f8d9 Oct 10 1993 set040.doc
[generic] 1579 3385 46.6% -lh5- 48c6 Oct 15 1993 set040.history
[generic] 14193 28876 49.2% -lh5- 72e2 Oct 15 1993 set040
[generic] 1325 2797 47.4% -lh5- 0d89 Apr 24 1993 you_must_read_this
[generic] 429 822 52.2% -lh5- 61da Sep 19 1992 set040.readme
[generic] 1150 3464 33.2% -lh5- 310b Mar 14 1993 Set040.QuickSetup.doc
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 6 files 34193 82137 41.6% Nov 6 1993
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