84782 packages online
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Short: | Various Wanted Commands and GUI\'s |
Author: | "Bruce Steers" bsteers ukonline.co.uk |
Uploader: | http://web ukonline co uk/bsteers/ |
Type: | util/misc |
Version: | Thursday 26-Aug-99 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1999-09-06 |
Replaces: | util/cli/bws_progs.lha |
Distribution: | Aminet |
Download: | util/misc/bws_progs.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/misc/bws_progs.readme |
Downloads: | 801 |
http://web.ukonline.co.uk/bsteers/ (Website Is Not Finished But Kinda Working)
These are various commands I have written because I needed/wanted them .
Maybe they will be usefull for you as well.
Most Of The Programs Will Explain Themselves By Typing a question mark ,
if not a ReadMe has been supplied.
Programs Are ...
Bufy : A little GUI for adding/subtracting buffers on a drive
exscript : Hold Right Mouse to execute alternative startup-sequence
ifexq : Check For A Device without "Please Insert Volume" requester
ifmouse : A Tool to Check Mouse State or execute program with mouseclick
QGL : "Quick Gadget List" 1 line of text to run Commands from GUI
RandFile : Randomly Selects 1 file from a dir (Handy for Boot Anims etc.)
reboot : resets Amiga After <default 5> seconds can Ctrl_C To Stop
setpri : Sets Given Task Priority name to A Value
Timer : A timer that notifies you with a Setable requester
============================= Archive contents =============================
LhA Freeware Version 2.1
Copyright © 1991-94 by Stefan Boberg.
Copyright © 1998,1999 by Jim Cooper and David Tritscher.
Listing of archive 'aasite:UKOnline/prog/bws_progs.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
2634 1181 55.1% 20-Aug-99 19:57:48 bws_progs.info
10548 4627 56.1% 04-May-99 22:16:36 bws_progs/bufy
837 353 57.8% 19-Jul-99 20:43:26 bws_progs/bufy.ReadMe
1453 451 68.9% 21-Jul-99 22:52:00 bws_progs/bufy.ReadMe.info
1712 964 43.6% 21-Jul-99 22:51:34 bws_progs/BWS_PROGS.readme
1453 449 69.0% 21-Jul-99 22:52:00 bws_progs/BWS_PROGS.readme.info
3112 1848 40.6% 02-Apr-99 07:26:54 bws_progs/exscript
2648 1722 34.9% 18-May-99 01:54:40 bws_progs/ifexq
1960 1225 37.5% 22-Apr-99 23:00:22 bws_progs/ifmouse
6320 3282 48.0% 22-Jul-99 18:00:18 bws_progs/qgl
1087 558 48.6% 22-Jul-99 19:38:58 bws_progs/QGL.PrefsExample
1644 1193 27.4% 21-Jul-99 22:52:00 bws_progs/QGL.PrefsExample.info
1132 833 26.4% 19-Jul-99 21:30:38 bws_progs/reboot
1896 1283 32.3% 25-May-99 23:32:28 bws_progs/setpri
3864 2229 42.3% 19-Jul-99 20:20:18 bws_progs/Timer
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
42300 22198 47.5% 20-Aug-99 20:13:40 15 files
Operation successful.
Created Using CreateAminetReadMe by Lorens Johansson.
Contents of util/misc/bws_progs.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1181 2634 44.8% -lh5- 6cb7 Aug 20 1999 bws_progs.info
[generic] 4627 10548 43.9% -lh5- e65f May 4 1999 bws_progs/bufy
[generic] 353 837 42.2% -lh5- 85b6 Jul 19 1999 bws_progs/bufy.ReadMe
[generic] 451 1453 31.0% -lh5- d7c0 Jul 21 1999 bws_progs/bufy.ReadMe.info
[generic] 964 1712 56.3% -lh5- 643b Jul 21 1999 bws_progs/BWS_PROGS.readme
[generic] 449 1453 30.9% -lh5- 6903 Jul 21 1999 bws_progs/BWS_PROGS.readme.info
[generic] 1848 3112 59.4% -lh5- d63c Apr 2 1999 bws_progs/exscript
[generic] 1722 2648 65.0% -lh5- 3b6e May 18 1999 bws_progs/ifexq
[generic] 1225 1960 62.5% -lh5- b860 Apr 22 1999 bws_progs/ifmouse
[generic] 3282 6320 51.9% -lh5- 2a36 Jul 22 1999 bws_progs/qgl
[generic] 558 1087 51.3% -lh5- f0af Jul 22 1999 bws_progs/QGL.PrefsExample
[generic] 1193 1644 72.6% -lh5- e5a2 Jul 21 1999 bws_progs/QGL.PrefsExample.info
[generic] 833 1132 73.6% -lh5- 7e79 Jul 19 1999 bws_progs/reboot
[generic] 1283 1896 67.7% -lh5- d6c0 May 25 1999 bws_progs/setpri
[generic] 2229 3864 57.7% -lh5- 26ff Jul 19 1999 bws_progs/Timer
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 15 files 22198 42300 52.5% Sep 6 1999
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