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util/misc/PaletteDeck.lha |
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A Palette Program.
"PaletteDeck" V1.0
This program was written with CanDo and CanDoSDK.
This program was designed to change the colours of the
screen that you are using. It should work with a Cybergrafix
Card, and on any other Amiga.
1. Resizeable Window
2. Dynamic Object Movements.
This just means that the Buttons and other gadgets
in the window are positioned corectly when you resize the Window.
3. Remembers position and screen size on exit.
This information is written into the Icon Tooltypes.
4. Can open on allmost any public screen.
The only problem I have had so far is opening the window
in CygnusEd.
Thomas R. Grant
Amiga 1200,16 meg Ram
Contents of util/misc/PaletteDeck.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 626 1188 52.7% -lh5- 61aa May 29 2000 PaletteDeck.info
[generic] 5436 15156 35.9% -lh5- 2060 May 30 2000 PaletteDeck/PaletteDeck
[generic] 5043 14312 35.2% -lh5- d92a May 30 2000 PaletteDeck/PaletteDeck.d
[generic] 898 2105 42.7% -lh5- 97ff May 30 2000 PaletteDeck/PaletteDeck.d.info
[generic] 1000 2156 46.4% -lh5- 538c May 30 2000 PaletteDeck/PaletteDeck.info
[generic] 3946 15187 26.0% -lh5- 437f May 30 2000 PaletteDeck/PaletteDeck.z
[generic] 622 1545 40.3% -lh5- eb9b May 29 2000 PaletteDeck/PaletteDeck.z.info
[generic] 531 1283 41.4% -lh5- f595 May 30 2000 PaletteDeck/PaletteDeckV1.0.readme
[generic] 678 1144 59.3% -lh5- dd33 May 29 2000 PaletteDeck/PaletteDeckV1.0.readme.info
[generic] 132 200 66.0% -lh5- 4530 Sep 16 1999 PaletteDeck/Prop-a.br
[generic] 132 200 66.0% -lh5- 1390 Sep 16 1999 PaletteDeck/Prop-b.br
[generic] 451 828 54.5% -lh5- 8f0e Oct 1 1999 PaletteDeck/ReadMe
[generic] 672 1139 59.0% -lh5- f9f4 May 29 2000 PaletteDeck/ReadMe.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 13 files 20167 56443 35.7% May 30 2000
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