84782 packages online
util/misc/NewHomerITA_DA.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | Data files for NewHomer.lha (ITALIAN SAMPLES!) |
Author: | eesposito usa.net (Emiliano Esposito) |
Uploader: | eesposito usa net (Emiliano Esposito) |
Type: | util/misc |
Version: | 1.0 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2001-05-28 |
Requires: | OS 2.0+(V37), V41 wave.datatype, or an equivalent one able to decode |
Download: | util/misc/NewHomerITA_DA.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/misc/NewHomerITA_DA.readme |
Downloads: | 799 |
16 bit ADPCM wave samples, some picture datatype, and of course
ITALIANO: vedi subito dopo l'inglese... :)
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE WITH NewHomer_DATA.lha? this contains samples from the
italian version of the Simpson, so download it only if you are italian, not
in other cases (well, if you are an italian learner... who knows? :)).
PLEASE READ HERE!!!: there are two #?.gif files in this archive, well they
ARE IFF ILBM pictures and _NOT_ gif ones...I've left the
odd suffix for compatibility to old Homer.
DON'T extract this archive if you are gonna to install
it together with NewHomer... it will be done automati-
cally by the installer in NewHomer.
NewHomerITA_DATA.lha - this is a set of samples, a couple of iff pictures and
a config file for NewHomer.lha, it is made for italian
Amiga users and Simpsons' fans :)
This is made of mixed samples... ie there are also
voices of other characters here and there... I left
them inside since I didn't found any program to save
samples in ADPCM wave format... anyway, in this way
it is much more funny.
In case you didn't ever seen original Homer, that is a program that shows
you an animation of Homer Simpson, that can talk, burp (ops! :)) and will
change its mood while following the mouse pointer.
NewHomer.lha is supposed to be a replacement for the old Homer 1.6 found on
Aminet. If you didn't already downloaded it, do it BEFORE downloading this
USAGE: just download somewhere... then follow the instructions of the
installer found into NewHomer.lha archive.
ITALIANO: stavolta sul serio :))
Questo file è ENORME, lo so, ma se state leggendo il readme vuol
dire che vi interessa, no? :) quindi andate avanti...
QUAL E' LA DIFFERENZA COL FILE: NewHomer_DATA.lha? Semplice, quest'ultimo
contiene file dalla versione originale (americana) dei Simpson,
mentre NewHomerITA_DATA.lha contiene un set di samples dalla
versione italiana dei Simpson. I sample sono in un formato
particolare: ADPCM wave a 16 bit, e occupano 1/4 degli originali.
Se siete dei fan (come me!) di Tonino Accolla e dei Simpson in
generale, allora scaricatelo SUBITO! :)) e non dimenticate di
scaricare anche:
NewHomer.lha (versione 1.1 aggiornata)
wavdt41.lha (datatypes che supporta appunto il WAVE ADPCM a 16 bit)
E' tutto, dopodiché basta seguire le istruzioni dell'installer con-
tenuto nell'archivio "NewHomer.lha". L'archivio coi samples NON va
scompattato, basta avere il comando "lha" in C: e ci pensa l'instal-
Contents of util/misc/NewHomerITA_DA.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 7152 7152 100.0% -lh0- 3d4a Apr 15 2001 HomerAnim.gif
[generic] 3290 3290 100.0% -lh0- 54c3 Apr 15 2001 HomerDict.gif
[generic] 81558 94678 86.1% -lh5- 7fa3 May 5 2001 Samples/1f11_cioccolato.wav
[generic] 142662 165198 86.4% -lh5- 0b01 May 5 2001 Samples/2f04_banane.wav
[generic] 39357 45646 86.2% -lh5- 0592 May 5 2001 Samples/2f04_fighettino.wav
[generic] 54493 63054 86.4% -lh5- ebeb May 5 2001 Samples/2f04_guardarmi_negli_occhi.wav
[generic] 89376 103246 86.6% -lh5- cea5 May 9 2001 Samples/2f04_soffocarlo.wav
[generic] 118513 137930 85.9% -lh5- 228e May 5 2001 Samples/2f08_sosia.wav
[generic] 36033 41874 86.1% -lh5- 7321 May 5 2001 Samples/2f10_cordone_ombelicale.wav
[generic] 50202 58152 86.3% -lh5- 7cbc May 5 2001 Samples/2f10_preghiera.wav
[generic] 59495 70222 84.7% -lh5- f8d6 May 5 2001 Samples/2f12_provenienza.wav
[generic] 59293 68776 86.2% -lh5- 5c87 May 5 2001 Samples/2f13_cervello.wav
[generic] 56606 65816 86.0% -lh5- 3c16 May 5 2001 Samples/2f13_guardie_inglesi.wav
[generic] 47092 54750 86.0% -lh5- 86a1 May 5 2001 Samples/2f13_uruguay.wav
[generic] 328 874 37.5% -lh5- 2384 May 26 2001 Samples/3f11_doh.wav.info
[generic] 207212 245094 84.5% -lh5- 99d6 May 5 2001 Samples/3f11_lezioni_golf.wav
[generic] 39497 46404 85.1% -lh5- 3839 May 5 2001 Samples/3f11_peggiori.wav
[generic] 118626 139158 85.2% -lh5- 4cd1 May 5 2001 Samples/3f12_eredita.wav
[generic] 107806 127008 84.9% -lh5- 4b7a May 9 2001 Samples/3f12_paradiso.wav
[generic] 42940 50770 84.6% -lh5- be46 May 5 2001 Samples/3f14_capacita_stimolanti.wav
[generic] 88301 104356 84.6% -lh5- 36bf May 5 2001 Samples/3f14_messaggi.wav
[generic] 81162 94362 86.0% -lh5- 9202 May 5 2001 Samples/3f17_assistente.wav
[generic] 88834 103220 86.1% -lh5- 916c May 5 2001 Samples/3f17_caccola.wav
[generic] 26075 31074 83.9% -lh5- 3531 May 9 2001 Samples/3f19_casa_riposo.wav
[generic] 112254 131846 85.1% -lh5- 023f May 9 2001 Samples/3f20_bandiera.wav
[generic] 67242 79094 85.0% -lh5- dbb5 May 5 2001 Samples/3f20_birra.wav
[generic] 31985 37626 85.0% -lh5- affc May 5 2001 Samples/3f20_brutte_notizie.wav
[generic] 6717 7898 85.0% -lh5- a5af May 5 2001 Samples/3f20_dehiho.wav
[generic] 39095 46358 84.3% -lh5- d1c6 May 9 2001 Samples/3f20_eta_voto.wav
[generic] 105704 124168 85.1% -lh5- 38c5 May 9 2001 Samples/3f20_sasso.wav
[generic] 47585 55998 85.0% -lh5- ddb9 May 5 2001 Samples/3f21_acqua.wav
[generic] 42240 49866 84.7% -lh5- 99e5 May 5 2001 Samples/3f21_distruzione.wav
[generic] 32233 37934 85.0% -lh5- c132 May 5 2001 Samples/3f21_karma.wav
[generic] 84921 100042 84.9% -lh5- 8caf May 9 2001 Samples/3f21_pumpkins.wav
[generic] 36155 42514 85.0% -lh5- 519f May 9 2001 Samples/3f21_religione.wav
[generic] 107551 126228 85.2% -lh5- 57ce May 9 2001 Samples/3f22_casa_flanders.wav
[generic] 102741 120568 85.2% -lh5- 0024 May 5 2001 Samples/3f22_fuochi_illegali.wav
[generic] 32957 38824 84.9% -lh5- d79f May 9 2001 Samples/3f22_leggero.wav
[generic] 65859 77720 84.7% -lh5- ee63 May 9 2001 Samples/3f22_schiappa.wav
[generic] 42131 49988 84.3% -lh5- f5bc May 5 2001 Samples/3f31_cani_api.wav
[generic] 132229 155346 85.1% -lh5- bb52 May 5 2001 Samples/3f31_capitan_strambo.wav
[generic] 91809 108798 84.4% -lh5- 39b7 May 5 2001 Samples/3f31_felicelandia.wav
[generic] 128002 152642 83.9% -lh5- c9b8 May 5 2001 Samples/3f31_flintstones.wav
[generic] 49161 57720 85.2% -lh5- 5450 May 5 2001 Samples/3f31_nome_battesimo.wav
[generic] 70463 83454 84.4% -lh5- a48d May 5 2001 Samples/3f31_pazzo_furioso.wav
[generic] 58097 68174 85.2% -lh5- d3d4 May 5 2001 Samples/3g01_10birre.wav
[generic] 99151 116558 85.1% -lh5- 8ddb May 5 2001 Samples/3g01_omelette.wav
[generic] 106784 124312 85.9% -lh5- be7b May 5 2001 Samples/3g03_completa_attenzione.wav
[generic] 169500 196696 86.2% -lh5- a30e May 5 2001 Samples/3g03_mrs_doubtfire.wav
[generic] 42744 50208 85.1% -lh5- 1f58 May 5 2001 Samples/3g03_turbata.wav
[generic] 21521 25166 85.5% -lh5- 2127 May 5 2001 Samples/5f04_sedia_rotelle.wav
[generic] 27243 31822 85.6% -lh5- bc3f May 5 2001 Samples/5f05_paradiso.wav
[generic] 37526 44064 85.2% -lh5- fefa May 5 2001 Samples/5f06_bisogno_aiuto.wav
[generic] 83392 98282 84.8% -lh5- 0237 May 5 2001 Samples/5f06_disfunzione.wav
[generic] 143634 168958 85.0% -lh5- a266 May 5 2001 Samples/5f06_sabato_fasullo.wav
[generic] 19183 22514 85.2% -lh5- de14 May 5 2001 Samples/5f20_braccio.wav
[generic] 58545 68886 85.0% -lh5- 253d May 5 2001 Samples/5f21_pigiami.wav
[generic] 59098 69306 85.3% -lh5- 7f17 May 5 2001 Samples/5f21_ricordi.wav
[generic] 85308 101762 83.8% -lh5- 3c2d May 5 2001 Samples/5f21_tutto_ok.wav
[generic] 19002 22336 85.1% -lh5- 3fbd May 5 2001 Samples/5f22_lampone.wav
[generic] 37179 43920 84.7% -lh5- c881 May 5 2001 Samples/5f22_scantinato.wav
[generic] 39164 45456 86.2% -lh5- 6936 May 5 2001 Samples/8f23_uccello.wav
[generic] 38821 44878 86.5% -lh5- d385 May 5 2001 Samples/9f21_george_harrison.wav
[generic] 83648 96846 86.4% -lh5- 6d92 May 9 2001 Samples/9f22_flanders.wav
[generic] 77002 89166 86.4% -lh5- 7f1f May 5 2001 Samples/9f22_salve_signor_thompson.wav
[generic] 38397 44622 86.0% -lh5- c13f May 5 2001 Samples/9f22_uccidermi.wav
[generic] 29500 34598 85.3% -lh5- de77 May 5 2001 Samples/aabf01_gambette.wav
[generic] 84300 99232 85.0% -lh5- 748b May 5 2001 Samples/aabf02_secondo_nome.wav
[generic] 44508 52310 85.1% -lh5- 4682 May 5 2001 Samples/aabf05_forchetta.wav
[generic] 6163 7386 83.4% -lh5- 9ab5 May 14 1996 Samples/Belch
[generic] 187790 289196 64.9% -lh5- e8fb Apr 16 2001 Samples/BirraDonne.wav
[generic] 4101 4468 91.8% -lh5- 09ce May 26 2001 Samples/doh.wav
[generic] 6181 7716 80.1% -lh5- 3bfc May 26 2001 Samples/doh3.wav
[generic] 90982 107720 84.5% -lh5- 2fcc May 5 2001 Samples/outahere
[generic] 4782 5482 87.2% -lh5- a2c3 May 26 2001 Samples/doh2.wav
[generic] 1770 3795 46.6% -lh5- be5b May 27 2001 NewHomer.conf
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 76 files 4879953 5792571 84.2% May 27 2001
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