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Short: | Talkin\' Homer V1.89c (AHI support, Picasso96 fixed) |
Author: | emiespo tiscalinet.it (Emiliano Esposito) |
Uploader: | emiespo tiscalinet it (Emiliano Esposito) |
Type: | util/misc |
Version: | 1.89c RC7 (16.10.03) |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2003-10-18 |
Requires: | OS 3.0+ (V39+), at least one installed picture and sound datatype. |
Replaces: | util/misc/NewHomer.lha |
Download: | util/misc/NewHomer.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/misc/NewHomer.readme |
Downloads: | 1088 |
+some samples with the voice of Homer Simpson or the old Homer 1.6
the file "NewHomer_DATA.lha" for a predefined set of samples
together with a decent wave.datatype.
the file "NewHomerITA_DA.lha" ONLY for italian speaking users!!
AND v41wave.datatype to have it working (it has samples in ADPCM
ITALIANO: vedere in basso.
INTRODUCTION: See below! I hate docs without intro at the beginning! ;))
LICENSE: NewHomer is totally freeware. As long as the files in the archive
are not modified in any way, NewHomer can be spreaded in any way
for non profit purposes. This includes printed magazines that
(still) have an Amiga only CD boundled.
NewHomer remains copyright of its author.
There are two file with a ".gif" extension in this archive: THEY
ARE NOT GIF files, they are ILBM ones. I had to keep that extension
only for compatibility. Amiga doesn't recognize file types by
extension typically, so that is just a (legal) file name.
DISCLAIMER: The author will NOT be responsible for any damages that may arise
from the usage of NewHomer.
installed v41 datatypes, both 8svx and wave since they are more
compatible. If using standard V44 OS datatypes, you will probably
have to convert the samples yourself or download the fixed set of
samples that someone (sorry I don't remember your name) has kindly
uploaded on aminet some days ago. I didn't test it, but I think
it works, since english wave samples work with V44 dts.
Read the docs inside for a better explanation.
NEW FOR V1.89c: Fast programming meant bad programming: NH cried and exited
if it could not open Picasso96 library. Thanks to Allan
Allan Rasmussen for signalling this one.
NEW FOR V1.89b: Added experimental AHI support. Seems to work on both WinUAE
and classic Amiga (tested with up to 16 Homer windows on real
Amiga and 32 [!] on WinUAE).
Fixed a curious Picasso96 bug (I found it starting to use
WinUAE. Also was present on the real Amiga).
NEW FOR V1.88: Fixed a bit both guide files.
Iconification now should work even if program executable is
Fixed italian configuration file. Added an option to installer
in order to install it.
NEW FOR V1.87:
Made sample names in the config (and in the program too) "case
sensitive friendly".
Fixed some code behaving badly in case of misconfiguration.
Lowered memory pool puddle size.
Pleasure samples were hardly played due to an inverted "if
condition". Fixed.
NEW FOR V1.86: Fixed the last bug (introduced with V1.85) due to the logic
for the new memory usage with flipped bitmaps. Very stupid and very
quickly fixed (I was lucky since I discovered it by chance...!).
Also added a more system friendly WaitBlit() for AGA only machines
and no FBlit tooltype used.
NEW FOR V1.85: Changed the bitmap flipping routine. Even if speeded up, now
NH will call it just in the beginning, unless the new "Spare-
Mem" parameter is set. See documentation to know more about it.
Added italian installer.
NEW FOR V1.84: Almost totally rewritten syncrhonization code between player
task and main task. This should fix most of the left troubles,
and has also cleared and shorted the code ;))
Also rewrote and cleared more code here and there.
Added some more options, but please read the docs inside to
know about them.
NOTE: It has been tested, but it is STILL in development. Confidentially
I can tell it won't crash badly your Amiga, but could still mis-
behave or cause troubles to you. You'd better be careful!
Use it at your own risk!
QUICKLY: See below if you are new... to NewHomer! :)
From now on, every release is CANDIDATE to be the last one...
Apart from any (new or old) bugs left!
That's all; best wishes to everyone still using AmigaOS.
INTRODUCTION: In case you didn't ever seen original Homer, this is a program
that shows an animated Homer Simpson that can talk, burp
(ops! :)) and will change its mood while following the mouse
pointer with his eyes.
If you knew the old Homer1.6, this is almost like it... but it has
many more options and is totally RTG friendly (the old one behaved
badly on truecolor screens and patched intuition looks).
REQUIREMENTS: please read docs inside.
INTRODUZIONE: NewHomer è un programma quasi identico al vecchio Homer che si
trova su Aminet, ma con molte aggiunte ed una migliore compati-
bilità con gli schermi truecolor e il cybergraphics.
Per chi non ne avesse mai sentito parlare, questo programma
mostra un animazione di Homer che di tanto in tanto parla, cam-
bia umore e segue con gli occhi il mouse (e fa pure qualche rut-
tino :))
DI SISTEMA: Leggere la (accurata) documentazione!!
Contents of util/misc/NewHomer.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 4550 4550 100.0% -lh0- 7a13 Apr 12 2003 NewHomer/HomerAnim_small.gif
[generic] 5681 17423 32.6% -lh5- 0ffb Oct 16 2003 NewHomer/Install
[generic] 2434 3562 68.3% -lh5- 99d2 Oct 16 2003 NewHomer/Install.info
[generic] 32091 59692 53.8% -lh5- e7f2 Oct 16 2003 NewHomer/NewHomer
[generic] 3355 7492 44.8% -lh5- 2dcb Apr 23 2003 NewHomer/NewHomer.conf
[generic] 671 1085 61.8% -lh5- 9734 Oct 16 2003 NewHomer/NewHomer.conf.info
[generic] 18580 46450 40.0% -lh5- 5a2e Oct 16 2003 NewHomer/NewHomer.guide
[generic] 1914 2613 73.2% -lh5- 267e Oct 16 2003 NewHomer/NewHomer.guide.info
[generic] 7765 14645 53.0% -lh5- d27d Oct 16 2003 NewHomer/NewHomer.info
[generic] 2770 6204 44.6% -lh5- a2fd Oct 16 2003 NewHomer/NewHomer.readme
[generic] 2065 3111 66.4% -lh5- dd74 Oct 16 2003 NewHomer/NewHomer.readme.info
[generic] 1982 4138 47.9% -lh5- 00f2 May 11 2003 NewHomer/NewHomer_ITA.conf
[generic] 672 1085 61.9% -lh5- d56e Oct 16 2003 NewHomer/NewHomer_ITA.conf.info
[generic] 20076 48674 41.2% -lh5- c692 Oct 16 2003 NewHomer/NewHomer_italiano.guide
[generic] 1911 2613 73.1% -lh5- 93ab Oct 16 2003 NewHomer/NewHomer_italiano.guide.info
[generic] 1842 2754 66.9% -lh5- be86 Oct 16 2003 NewHomer.info
[generic] 2770 6204 44.6% -lh5- a2fd Oct 16 2003 NewHomer.readme
[generic] 2067 3111 66.4% -lh5- aae3 Oct 16 2003 NewHomer.readme.info
[generic] 6860 6860 100.0% -lh0- 8bb8 Apr 6 2003 NewHomer/HomerAnim.gif
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 19 files 120056 242266 49.6% Oct 18 2003
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