This is a MorphOS port of my 'MUIFind' search utility.
As I do not own a Pegasos nor a PPC-Board, I don't have tested the
program myself... However, some people have tested it and it seemed to work.
There seems to have some problems with the icon.library of MorphOS when
decoding 3.5 Glowicons: if you get a trashed icon in the GUI, use
the 3.5 icon.library if you can or simply replace the file data/
by a working icon.
Except this small problem, the requirements/usage should be the same as
the 68k version so have a look at the list below before
reporting any problem ! (see the MUI MCC libs required especially...)
68k version Readme below
.A double-click on a file will launch the associated application (+)
.Search results can be saved to a file
.You don't have to wait for the end of the search to view files
.Pattern History
.Amiga-style (#?) and MS-DOS (*) (patched required) style Patterns
.Enforcer-Hits free ;)
.MuiFind will respond to a CTRL+C, even while searching for files ;)
(+) DOpus 5.x required
.AmigaOS 3.x
.MUI 3.8+
.Rexxtricks.library for DOpus 5 support
.Run MUIFind from CLI or from WB.
.To Begin a search, enter a name/pattern in the "Name" string and click on
'start' search. (If you do not enter a path name, the search will be performed
in current directory)
Keyboard shortcuts:
.f1 will start a search
.f2 will stop the search
.f3 will save the results to the file 'ram:MUIFind.results'
.Options->Clear History will clear the pattern/name History
(only up to 5 name/patterns can be stored)
.The first page (named 'Name and Path') is active: all the other pages
('Date of Modification' and 'Advanced') are present but useless: these
options should be added in future releases...
Small History:
.Added Intuition Menus
.Added Clear History Option
.Added Pattern History (limited to 5 entries)
.Added ASL Requester to browse the Disk Tree
.Fixed a bug in initialisation
.Added shortcuts to start, stop and save results
.Fixed a bug in start.exe (didn't work when launched from WB)
.Fixed a bug in the double-click hook function
.Fixed the "LONG-READ FROM 0000000" hit ;)
.Added status bar
.Added Double-Click to run DOpus-associated app
.Added MUI GUI
.Fixed a small bug in Search function
.First CLI-Only version
To Do:
.Implement all search options present in the GUI
.Locale Support ?
Feedback/Bug reports
You may send me feedback and bug reports but don't expect to have fast answers:
I still don't have home-access to the internet...
Also, please do not write to talk about above-mentionned problems...
Nogfx -