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util/misc/MUIFind056B.lha |
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MUIFind MorphOS v0.56 *BETA*
** IMPORTANT Notes **
1) This is a *BETA* release !
I have decided to release it because it has a lot of enhancements
and people who have tested it found no big problems.
=> But on my peg1/no-april I am having random locks when using it
(input.device seems to be trashed) so you'll have been warned ! ;)
2) If you have used previous MUIFind versions, you should delete
the file envarc:muifind.history PRIOR to running this version for
the first time.
.Easy to use MUI GUI
.A double-click on a file will launch the associated application
.Pattern & Path History
.Amiga-style (#?) and MS-DOS (*) style Patterns
.Search results can be saved to a file
.Responds to CTRL+C
... FREE !
.MorphOS 1.4+
.Multiview for double-click feature
.Some memory :)
.Run MUIFind from CLI or from WB.
.To Begin a search, enter a name/pattern in the "Name" string and click on
'start' search. (If you do not enter a path name, the search will be performed
in current directory)
Keyboard shortcuts:
.f1 will start a search
.f2 will stop the search
.f3 will save the results to the file 'ram:MUIFind.results'
.Options->Clear History will clear the pattern/name History
(upto 5 name/patterns can be stored)
--------- MorphOS (on-going development) --------------
v0.56B [Public Beta]
.Fixed: Random crash (I HOPE !)
.Added: MUI Window position and size now saved
.Added: MUIFind's executable icon now used for iconification
v0.54 [Test Release]
.Any string can now be used as search name, not only wildcards
.Latest path now saved and restored
.Fixed Cycle chain
.Menus disabled while search running
v0.51 [Test Release]
.Rewrote search engine: it's as fast as it should be
.Fixed Crash at exit
.Fixed memory leak
.Added auto-activation of "*" style patterns
(=> MOS-Team: PLEASE add an option for that in MorphOS prefs !)
.Menus & Main register groups are now disabled while searching
v0.4 [Public]
.Fixes to make MUIFind compile on MorphOS/GCC
.Removed buggy icon.mcc object
------- AmigaOS (development halted) -------
.Added Intuition Menus
.Added Clear History Option
.Added Pattern History (limited to 5 entries)
.Added ASL Requester to browse the Disk Tree
.Fixed a bug in initialisation
.Added shortcuts to start, stop and save results
.Fixed a bug in start.exe (didn't work when launched from WB)
.Fixed a bug in the double-click hook function
.Fixed the "LONG-READ FROM 0000000" hit ;)
.Added status bar
.Added Double-Click to run DOpus-associated app
.Added MUI GUI
.Fixed a small bug in Search function
.First CLI-Only version
To Do:
.Fix this damned bug !
.Implement all search options present in the GUI
.Multiple volume research
.Basic file operation on search result (delete/rename file)
.Locale Support ?
Feedback/Bug reports
For any suggestion, bug report, use the following EMail: leo.nard@free.fr
For more MorphOS Software, check: http://nogfx.free.fr
Nicolas RAMZ - Warpdesign
Contents of util/misc/MUIFind056B.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 4655 6613 70.4% -lh5- e662 Jan 1 1980 muifind_MOS.info
[generic] 1104 1492 74.0% -lh5- baa9 Jan 1 1980 muifind_MOS/data/find.info
[generic] 215 215 100.0% -lh0- 1905 Jan 1 1980 muifind_MOS/images/clear.mbr
[generic] 760 760 100.0% -lh0- ce87 Jan 1 1980 muifind_MOS/images/date.mbr
[generic] 784 784 100.0% -lh0- be2f Jan 1 1980 muifind_MOS/images/info.mbr
[generic] 10679 10714 99.7% -lh5- fa70 Jan 1 1980 muifind_MOS/images/logo.mbr
[generic] 498 498 100.0% -lh0- df0c Jan 1 1980 muifind_MOS/images/loupe.mbr
[generic] 493 493 100.0% -lh0- a8e0 Jan 1 1980 muifind_MOS/images/name.mbr
[generic] 548 548 100.0% -lh0- 873f Jan 1 1980 muifind_MOS/images/ok.mbr
[generic] 591 591 100.0% -lh0- e3e6 Jan 1 1980 muifind_MOS/images/prefs.mbr
[generic] 613 613 100.0% -lh0- 011d Jan 1 1980 muifind_MOS/images/stop.mbr
[generic] 30463 78240 38.9% -lh5- 1b98 Jan 1 1980 muifind_MOS/MUIFindMOS
[generic] 5713 5713 100.0% -lh0- 2ae2 Jan 1 1980 muifind_MOS/MUIFindMOS.info
[generic] 1681 3576 47.0% -lh5- 08e6 Aug 15 2004 muifind_MOS/MUIFind_mos.readme
[generic] 2277 5341 42.6% -lh5- b5d1 Jan 1 1980 muifind_MOS/MUIFind_mos.readme.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 15 files 61074 116191 52.6% Dec 14 2006
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